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 Paypal and fraud filtering
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Posted - 11/10/2017 :  13:14:20  
OK -- using paypal advanced and have a couple questions.

1 -- Had somebody in Hong Kong semi-successfully try a stolen CC. Payment went through and was approved by PP ... paypal says payment went through as "completed" and my website shows order as "authorized". Yet when I log into the paypal manager to get in depth details of the transaction - it shows transaction was voided 4 seconds after payment went through. I wouldn't have known this was a phony order except the so-called customer had bogus characters in name as if trying to inject sql garbage. Did a search and it seem lots of people were having problems with this same person.
I called Paypal to ask why a voided transaction still shows as "completed" on the paypal page yet voided on paypal manager page. They said to me that "your website voided the transaction". So my question - is there any form of checking performed by the ECT software that can do such a thing? If not, how can they be saying that my website voided the transaction? I know I personally didn't void it - it occurred at 2:40AM... I was asleep at the time.

2 -- Paypal is real slow at acknowledging orders past two cays. Getting lots of timeouts after payment. Guy at paypal acknowledged and said "yes, they were having problems and they were fixing it". But he also asked why I was using a second IPN payment notification method. He said 2nd method is not needed. OK - I have no idea what he's talking about here.


ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 11/10/2017 :  14:23:02  
Hi Ed, Transactions have to be voided in the Paypal account the shopping cart would not void a transaction 4 seconds after payment. Yes Paypal is having issues with IPNs yesterday they were doing maintenance around that time (1am-2:45am eastern time)

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Posted - 08/04/2021 :  10:32:55  
Is anyone else having issues with PayPals Fraud Filtering. Currently (and for the past 3 days) we have not been able to access our transaction that are in the Fraud Filter. Nor are we able to access the features in the Fraud Filter to change them so transactions won't go in it.

Very frustrated with PayPal at this point, as they claim that it has been escalated to their IT dept. but do not have a time/day that the developers will have the issue resolved.

The error returned says it's "Failure of server APACHE bridge.


Also, they haven't reported any of this on their PayPal status page. [url][/url]


Edited by - kelleymoore on 08/04/2021 12:57:47
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