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Posted - 11/13/2017 :  07:05:28  
Hi, I have been getting this message for about three weeks now and am not sure what to do to fix the error message. It seems to affect the "ppconfirm.php" file.

The message is as follows:
Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notification (IPN) messages. Messages sent to the following URL(s) are not being received:

Any suggestions on how to find the issue to fix this problem?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/13/2017 :  07:28:27  
Hi Eddie

Something similar came up at the weekend although that may be coincidence

Your ppconfirm.php looks fine - look here


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Posted - 11/13/2017 :  08:14:01  
Thanks! I'll look into the other threads.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/13/2017 :  08:24:56  
I've just had another customer contact us with the same so it may be PayPal are sending out false positives, this happened a couple of years ago if I remember rightly.


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Posted - 11/29/2017 :  08:01:36  
I am having the same problem and can not fix it.
"Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:"

PayPal settings are correct, for the exact URL above here. I called them also and they don't see any problems except maybe the URL not being correct.
GoDaddy confirmed there is no firewall stopping communications between website and PayPal.

Just want to double check with you if you have any other advise on this.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2017 :  08:08:08  
We have had a couple of reports of this today and I believe these are false positives. The URL is fine and checked for TLS1.2


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Posted - 11/29/2017 :  11:49:31  
Actually this is happening for a while now for my website.
I have just updated the cart to the new version and did a test purchase and still the same.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/30/2017 :  00:17:47  
Just to see if there is anything in common in the reports today - are you hosting with Godaddy?


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Posted - 11/30/2017 :  04:43:12  
Yes Andy, host is GoDaddy.
I mentioned that I already called them about firewall and also PayPal about the correct settings.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/30/2017 :  04:47:01  
Apologies, I see you did mention it - it may be the common denominator and will check with other recent reports.


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ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 11/30/2017 :  04:49:37  
I looked into this a week or so ago is fine

The site has been updated correctly and I just couldn't find an issue anywhere, so I suggested having a word with the host.

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Posted - 11/30/2017 :  05:08:55  
Go Daddy didn't help.

Is there something more specific that I can go back to them with - if you think is definitely a problem with the host?

Phil - I also have an issue with the tracking numbers being blocked from uploading on the vsadmin status page - I enter them but they disappear and customers do not get them also.


ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 11/30/2017 :  05:15:57  
Take a look at this thread here for the tracking number issue you're having -

The procedure for entering them has changed on 6.8.2

I'm fairly certain this is a hosting issue, and I understand Go Daddy are not the best when it comes to support. I would move elsewhere, you may have to pay a little more but you're probably losing more in sales than what the additional cost would be.

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Edited by - Phil on 11/30/2017 05:18:39

Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 11/30/2017 :  08:41:03  
I use godaddy, paypal, and ect and dont have any of these issues... in fact, I have all my clients hosted under godaddy simply because thier hosting support is strong and solid and is 100% uptime. I would think its a setting issue? Im running 6.8.2? I am keeping a lookout to see if any issues arise, question is how can it be the host if its not everyone who uses the combination of ECT, paypal, and godaddy?

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/30/2017 :  08:51:36  
We have had this reported on 5 sites now and they are all Godaddy hosted.

People will be using Godaddy but on different server set ups. If you can get past their first line of support things are usually sorted out, even when they are adamant the problem isn't theirs.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 11/30/2017 :  09:11:54  
Ah, that would make sense. I can check on my server set up and report back if that would help diagnose the issue?

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Advanced Member

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Posted - 11/30/2017 :  09:24:46  
Andy, do you know if any of the other 5 sites have solved the IPN issue and maybe
have some more details about what the problem is.
Just want some more details if I need to call GoDaddy again.

As a side note- I’m staying with Godaddy because their support actually speaks English #128522;#128512;

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/30/2017 :  09:28:42  
It seems at least one has been sorted out that I'm aware of - I'll ask Sinbad as she was in touch with Godaddy and Paypal regarding the issue.


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ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 11/30/2017 :  10:14:51  
Hi carpatina, I have a support ticket in with Paypal you have to create a account as the login is different than your paypal account.
After a couple of days I got a reply on the Tuesday the 21, after which I spoke with Godaddy that Tuesday letting them know that Paypal tech support stated that the "listener" on the server was not responding, Godaddy support tech asked me to email him the support ticked from Paypal which basically said.
No response is being received, what that means is that PayPal is trying to communicate with the URL (IPN Database Listener) below and it is not sending any kind of response. Almost as if it is off line.

As you can see we have tried 13 times to send the information and each time no communication is happening.

There are also examples where IPNs were sent 12 times and finally the IPN Listener (URL listed below) responded.

This week so far no new IPN notifications and Paypal has marked the ticket Resolved.

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ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 11/30/2017 :  11:09:48  
Just got a reply from Paypal on a second ticket for a different domain on Gd
I verified that all of the most recent IPNs that were sent received no response from your server. Each IPN attempt was made 16 times with no response.
I tested your IPN Listener through the IPN and Webhook Simulator to see if I would get a response:

The IPN simulator was unable to communicate with your IPN Notify URL

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Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 01/25/2018 :  00:29:57  
One of my sites that has been running fine for years with no changes has started giving the IPN error listed here. Has there been a fix found to this issue? Is there a setting that needs to be changed with the update to 6.8? PHP is 5.6, SSL is TLS... thanks in advance :)

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