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Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 12/30/2017 :  05:08:25
On this page, it suggests that you can set up static URLs in Wordpress.
However, the instructions do not make sense to me.
"Make a copy of products.php and call it say my-widgets.php
Now, open this page in a text or html editor and just before line

include "vsadmin/inc/incproducts.php";

add the following

The products.php does not have the include statement on the page.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/30/2017 :  06:27:54  
If you open products.php in a text editor you'll find this line

include "vsadmin/inc/incproducts.php";

For wordpress just before that the syntax for what you need to add is slightly different



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Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 12/30/2017 :  13:18:33  
Thanks, Andy.

Ecommerce Template Expert

696 Posts

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Posted - 12/31/2017 :  00:01:14  
Hi Andy,
I have spent some more time working on the website today.
Any attempt at SEO friendly URLs or static URLs just won't work. As you identified, they conflict with the theme.
When I remove the 2 lines you suggested, it creates other issues.
I have gone back to the original site, but fixed the link to categories on products.php and the navbar on categories.php, so everything looks good again.
Then I ran an analysis on the site, and it threw up so many errors and warnings, I'm surprised it works at all! 13 critical errors; page score of 55/100. I think these relate directly to the theme I am using AccessPress Parallax Pro.
So I'm almost ready to throw myself off a bridge.
I think I need to bite the bullet and change to an ECommerceTemplates Wordpress theme. Just hate the thought of spending weeks re-building the website.
I like the layout of the store pages and do not want to change them.
Can you please tell me which template you would recommend, and what I can do to minimize the changeover.
Thanks, Lyn
(No bridges close to here!)

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/31/2017 :  00:31:20  
Hi Lyn

I would definitely recommend this one - the home page is simple to set up and you already have the content for the other pages so it really shouldn't take that long to do.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 12/31/2017 :  00:40:46  
Hi Andy, that was my second choice. I like WP ICE, particularly that it fills the whole screen.
So, should I set up a subdomain or a different IP to test on?
Thanks, Lyn

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/31/2017 :  01:04:49  
I would set it up on your current site so you can use your current database, but as you say, set it up in a test / temporary directory.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 12/31/2017 :  01:18:22  
Thanks, Andy.
bootstrap=another learning curve.
I am sure I'll have a lot of questions.
Cheers, Lyn
Happy New Year! Hope 2018 is a good one for you!

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/31/2017 :  01:31:49  
It's unlikely you will need to edit anything in the bootstrap css file so that's one less thing to worry about.

All the best for 2018, let's hope it's a good one!


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Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 12/31/2017 :  01:41:22  
Andy, just to make sure that I am on the right track before I begin.
This is what I am planning to do.
Create a Test folder in kk/public_html.
Then treat it as a totally new website. So install wordpress, then ecommerce templates and go to it.
Make the database connection to the existing one for kk.
Does that sound right?
Thanks, Lyn

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/31/2017 :  02:11:30  
That's exactly how I would do it.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 12/31/2017 :  02:12:18  
Great! Thank you!
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