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 No order notification by email
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Posted - 01/16/2018 :  15:38:27  
I've read through the other posts but this is different. Out of nowhere email stopped working. We went through some troubleshooting with Hostek and were able to have the "send friend" working but notifications are still not working. Neither the client nor we get a notification. Please advise.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/16/2018 :  23:49:10  

If you have made no changes you'd assume it was something server side. Are you using PHPmailer - maybe an older version?


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Posted - 01/17/2018 :  13:48:44  

Server said that they did what they needed to do making the system send emails. We receive invoice copies but status is not being sent. Also, if we enter a tracking number for the shipping it doesn't stay, it disappears.

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 01/17/2018 :  14:57:05  
Hi elitegates, In the admin under Orders Admin > Order status check that Send Email is check for the order status you want to send emails for. Tracking numbers need to be entered on the view orders screen using the drop down on the left change it to Tracking Number is that how you are inputting them?

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Posted - 01/17/2018 :  15:12:39  
yes. Email Status Change is checked and yes the default is ups and we enter a tracking number. Because the tracking number disappears we enter it in the Status Info box so we'll have a record that we entered it but since it's not sending status changes it doesn't matter..

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1198 Posts

Posted - 01/17/2018 :  17:10:35  
This may be worth a try.

I had this issue a few years ago with the emails not being sent even though the box was checked. Under the heading Would you like to receive a confirmation email when orders come in? I unchecked the send email and submitted the change. I left things 10 minutes and re- checked the box and that solved the issue.


Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom.

Using ECT PHP versions since 2004

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Posted - 01/17/2018 :  18:26:15  
Unfortunately the suggestion didn't help :(

Still waiting on a solution as without status changes, our angry client list is growing by the hour...

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/17/2018 :  23:58:38  
For the tracking number, enter the number and then hit the return / enter button on the keyboard and check the order afterwards. If you update to 6.8.4 you'll see the prompt to do this in red as the field label.


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Posted - 01/18/2018 :  08:20:46  
First the Enter/Return button does nothing but more importantly which is why I started this thread is that we can't send order status AT ALL so the tracker doesn't matter now, we can deal with that later.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2018 :  08:28:59  
You say your host fixed something for the other mails so I guess the best thing would be to go back to them and say that the order status email still needs fixing.


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Posted - 01/18/2018 :  08:30:12  
I did and they said that now it's on your end. They did what they needed to do to make it work and prove that it's working which makes sense

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2018 :  09:06:55  
It doesn't make sense really. You said that emails suddenly stopped being sent when neither you nor us made any changes to your site / software. Your host was then able to fix the emails but they all use the same email functions with the settings in the main admin page - if these were working before and no longer do, your host may have made changes to the mail server in the interim. I would double check with your host that the main admin settings for email are still the ones you should be using.


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Posted - 01/18/2018 :  13:00:45  
I did. They still say it's the system not the hosting. I do use smtp to pull emails without a problem if that helps

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2018 :  13:17:27  
Hi Can you start a new post for the tracking number issue so that replies don't get confusing with the email issue. Is the site using phpmailer reason I ask is once I disabled it on a site the order emails started working again on Hostek. Also can you let us know what version of the shopping cart software the store is using.

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Posted - 01/18/2018 :  13:22:24  
Version v6.8.2 (Since the updates have been coming nearly every month and we pay to install them we're holding off a bit on the newest). I'm not sure what is phpmailer means, sorry

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Posted - 01/18/2018 :  13:42:32  
Thank ya'll but the system decided to work properly out of nowhere. Consider this thread closed including the tracker issue.
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