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 EPDQ issue since update to version V6.8.4
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Posted - 01/19/2018 :  08:25:04  
I have a problem since updating from versionV6.5.4 to V6.8.4 regarding returning back to my site from the Barclays EPDQ payment page.

I have a return error and remain on the Barclays payment page with their page showing a error msg saying "sorry this page cannot be found"

Has anyone any idea what has been changed in this version that has effected the transaction feedback urls for my customers completing or cancelling a transaction from the Barclays payment pages.

I have so far only tested it as cancelling a transaction, not sure yet what happens if a transaction is completed but imagine it will also be an error.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2018 :  08:39:16  

We haven't made any changes to the Barclays integration since 2015 so I assume those are the files you are using? You said in another post you had just switched to https on your site I think so make sure all URLs, Accepturl, Declineurl and Exception URL, are set to https in your Barclays admin.


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Posted - 01/19/2018 :  09:18:00  
Hi Andy

I have not done the change yet to https until I have updated my site.

So the only things that have been changed are to do with the updater, nothing else.

I have not overwrote as instructed my customppsend.php or to my knowledge know of any changes to customppreturn.php

Have you any other ideas as I see a lot of changes have been made on this update from V6.5.4 to this latest V6.8.4 and it does seem to be having some effect on it.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2018 :  09:40:59  
There will have been a lot of changes between 6.5.4 and 6.8.4 but nothing specifically related to epdq as far as I'm aware. The cancel and return URLs will still be the same - do you know if it's just the cancel URL that is causing a problem?

There's no harm in downloading the epdq files and uploading those just to be sure you are using the latest


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Posted - 01/19/2018 :  10:01:38  
I see Version V6.7.0 had something about Abandoned cart emails.

How does this work and could this have an effect on the returning cart url path from the Barclay payment pages.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2018 :  10:14:43  
How it works is explained here but I don't think it would have any bearing on epdq orders.


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Posted - 01/20/2018 :  04:24:18  
Done a few tests now on this and completed a full payment transaction without cancelling it to see what happen and the good news is that it did return correctly back onto my site /thanks.php page without a problem.

So the only issue is if a customer cancels the payment while on the payment gateway page it won't take them back to the cart page anymore like it should do.

There must have been some change done with this update that has had an effect with this.
Can you please let me know what changes may have caused this.

I noticed the new feature regarding the control panel main settings regarding the store being enabled for https and have had a play around testing this but at present have left it blank so when moving into the end stages of the cart it remains as http for now as we have the settings in our Barclays back office enabled in this way for returning pages so I do not think this is the issue here. Using the site still in this way seems to have been confirmed as ok by the successful transaction I did managed to complete.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2018 :  06:03:38  
I'm not sure that would be down to any changes we made as the epdq files remain the same and it seems the epdq cancel page isn't redirecting - the page on their server I mean - what do you have set as the Cancel URL though and is it on http or https?


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Posted - 01/22/2018 :  00:59:30  
These seem to have always been controlled within vsadmin/inc/customppsend.php and vsadmin/inc/customppreturn.php so I have always ignored them within the Barclays epdq admin panel and left them blank without a problem. The customer has always been returned to the correct page without any problems.

I have asked Barclays to look at the logs on this to see what this may show.

I will let you know what they say.

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Posted - 01/22/2018 :  06:13:15  
Barclays have come back to me on this.

Before the change the logs showed I had the full url path ie CANCELURL=

This is now showing as just CANCELURL=cart.php which is of course why the page is now not being found.

The ACCEPTURL= is still showing in the logs as correct and returning ok.
The EXCEPTIONURL= which is also still ok.

So it seems since the updater the CANCELURL is no longer being correctly redirected back as the full url path back to the cart.php page as it originally did before the update. Have you any idea why this now the case and how we can fix it?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/22/2018 :  06:35:10  
Would you like to send me an email with your FTP details and I'll make a change for you to see if that fixes the Cancel URL?


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Posted - 01/22/2018 :  06:59:15  
Hi Andy,

If you just copy the suggested change to the code here and the file it relates to and line no it's on I should be able to make the change.

I shall keep a back up of my original file just in case I mess up or it makes thing worse.

I am not working or have run an updater on my main site yet I am working on one of our less popular sites first which I always run an updater on first until all these little issues have been sorted before doing my main site. I can't afford the chance of problems on my main more busy site.

So I shall need to know the changes myself for when come to do that one.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/22/2018 :  07:06:26  
In customppsend.php chnage this line (Line 72) from





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Posted - 01/22/2018 :  07:40:10  
Hi Andy,

That has worked.

I had looked at this area myself and thought about changing that but was not sure why it was written in that way in the first place so thought it needed to stay.

Thanks for your help sorting this issue out. Will need to remember this for others that might run into this problem.
I wonder how many people on here use the EPDQ system, I am not sure it is that popular.

Cheers Tom.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/22/2018 :  07:50:50  
I'm not sure why that should be different and missed it first time round, I'll see if I can find out though.


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ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/23/2018 :  02:38:49  
We have edited the files and uploaded them to the downloads page in case anyone else runs into the same problem.


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Posted - 01/24/2018 :  07:19:39  
That's good Andy,

The change also works with the older versions, example V6.5.4 as I tested this one of my other sites I have not updated yet to V6.8.4 and it also worked fine.
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