ECT Moderator
United Kingdom
1198 Posts |
Posted - 01/27/2018 : 08:40:24
...also this may throw some light your way http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-fix-503-service-unavailable-error-in-wordpress/. Most good webhosts will have a PHP switching facility available in the customers hosting control panel. That feature is also available in cPanel. Does your host use cPanel? Switching via the .htaccess file is achievable by adding a directive similar to this in the .htaccess file SetEnv DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION 7Steve Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom. Using ECT PHP versions since 2004
Edited by - 1818charlie on 01/27/2018 08:49:04
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18 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 01/27/2018 : 08:49:15
Thanks Steve. I will look at that. Not exactly the way I wanted to spend my Saturday, though. I thought I would have an easy install, then could work of customization and tweaking.
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18 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 01/27/2018 : 08:53:58
I don't think it has cPanel. It does have a control panel, but very limited options available on the client end. I am tempted to delete word press and try a new install. But of course I may be right back where I am to try to get the cart to work. However, at least my whole website would not be offline.
ECT Moderator
United Kingdom
1198 Posts |
Posted - 01/27/2018 : 08:54:47
quote: Wasn't getting the 503 error until the php update. Everything was working fine expect for the cart before that
It sounds like a script / plugin / module not being php7.xx compatible Steve Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom. Using ECT PHP versions since 2004
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18 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 01/27/2018 : 09:03:05
Well here is a new error when I try to access Wp from within the panel.
'Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.'
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 01/27/2018 : 09:48:06
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Posted - 01/27/2018 : 10:41:32
Thank you all! It appears that everything is now functioning. I was able to log into the store control panel. Now, I just have to figure out why there is a strange string of information appearing in the search field and why the header is not showing up. Hopefully, after completing all of the customization that will go away. I do need to figure out the search thing, though, before going live, as it gives out path information, that could potentially be used for nefarious purposes.
This is what's in the search field: <br /><b>Notice</b>: wp_specialchars is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.8.0! Use esc_html() instead. in <b>/..../wp-includes/functions.php</b> on line <b>3839</b><br />
Anyone have any idea what this means, or can tell me how to fix it?
ECT Moderator
65937 Posts |
Posted - 01/27/2018 : 10:52:29
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Posted - 01/27/2018 : 11:07:40
The only WP plugin that was enabled was "Limit login attempts". I disabled it, but that string still shows in the search box in the header. Could there be something wrong with the header?
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18 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 01/27/2018 : 11:17:54
Okay. I fixed the search text issue. I remembered that the server tech said that he put a debug line, when we were trying to turn off the friendly errors, into the wp-config file. I went back and restored the original file. That seems to have fixed that particular issue. Thanks.
Edited by - miccjones on 01/27/2018 11:21:07