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 Easy way to change products into categories?
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Jan Andrea
Advanced Member

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Posted - 02/08/2018 :  07:21:31  
I suspect there isn't such a thing (how often would it come up, really?), but my store is currently set up with fabric types as products, and colors as options. In order to take advantage of MagicZoom and better highlight photography, I need to make each fabric color its own product, and the fabric type into a category. I already have the latter for purposes of the dynamic menu, but for linen, I have like 23 different colors, and that's going to be tedious at best to turn those into products :) Is there are shortcut? The last time I tried to edit my store using a spreadsheet and uploading that, it didn't go well -- but that was at least 8 years ago.

Another question -- I suspect I'll need to use stock management by "in stock" rather than my current "by options". However, ring colors (which the customer can also select) will still need to be by options in order for me to keep track of what I have on hand. I don't suppose there's a way to do both? E.g. I have 10 slings worth of turquoise, but I also have limited stock on ring colors (there are 16 colors). I am guessing I'll have to choose either/or, and just try to remember to subtract ring colors when an order is placed, but I would definitely prefer to not have to choose!

OTOH, if anyone has suggestions for how to make my store look prettier without changing the fabric color option into a product, I am all ears! Right now, this is what my linen selections look like: (and that URL is also not fantastic, but I had a hard time getting static URLs to work last time I tried). I would much rather be able to show each color option as a separate image on the page (which is what my competitors largely are doing) if that's possible.

Thank you for reading my novel ;)
Using ECT 6.8.4

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 02/08/2018 :  07:54:02  
Hi Jan

Sorry but there isn't a shortcut - you would have to use the csv file, or if you prefer not to use that and the products are quite similar, the Clone feature.

For your stock question I think the only way to do that would be to use the alt prod id feature and then each product + option would have its own id and therefore stock level - that would of course be a huge number of extra products to set up though.

Would this Color Picker Tip work for you

Personally I would always have the product image before the description but you obviously know your products better than me.


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Jan Andrea
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Posted - 02/08/2018 :  09:01:18  
Thanks, Andy! So, no way to sort of kludge the multi-option picker, perhaps, to show all the colors in a grid? I don't think the color picker will work; that's nearly identical to the options button anyway.
Using ECT 6.8.4

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 02/08/2018 :  09:12:43  
You could use multi options but I'm not sure if that helps a lot other than showing the colors available.


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Jan Andrea
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Posted - 02/08/2018 :  09:14:52  
That's kind of what I want to do :) See how these are laid out? That's what I'm going for, in the manner that takes the least possible effort. Of course, they don't have custom ring colors or lengths, so it's a little easier for them. I think I'll probably just end up doing the CSV thing.
Using ECT 6.8.4

Jan Andrea
Advanced Member

468 Posts

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Posted - 02/08/2018 :  12:24:41  
Ack, do I need to go into phpmyadmin to export existing stuff? I was hoping to avoid that :lol: Also not sure how to avoid duplicates if I export from that and then import.
Using ECT 6.8.4

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 02/08/2018 :  12:29:49  
Hi Jan, for what you are looking to do it would require using phpmyadmin, if you are not comfortable I would highly recommend contacting Phil at bettapages for a quote

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