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 Need Mod for Image Magnifier
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Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2018 :  07:22:20  
I wanted to use MagicZoom for customers to be able to enlarge my product images. However I did not upload Giant images to my products in order to do that. Now I have almost 7000 products, none with Giant images. I reaaaallly don't want to upload 7000 Giant images in order to get MagicZoom to work.

I see there are lots of image magnifier scripts online that will allow a static image to be magnified without switching the image for a larger image when hovering.

Is there a Mod for this, or can anyone create one for ECT users that didn't think they would ever need a Giant image, so they added so many products over the years and now it's too late to add the Giant images because it would take hundreds of hours to do so?

ECT Moderator

10465 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2018 :  11:13:16  
It all really depends on how large your large images are.
So maybe you can reply with the average size.
For example it may be possible that if your large images are larger than, say, 600px x 600px that you can use those as giant images.
Then use one of the many programs our there that resize images in bulk to to a slightly smaller size and those become your large images.

If your large images are suitable to use as giant images, you can sort this whole issue out in a matter of minutes using the csv utility for images.

We have many thousands of products as well and we have had to go in and replace thousands of images due to unforeseen circumstances, and while it takes a while, eventually you get it done.

ECT Moderator

10465 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2018 :  11:15:01  
PS - If you are not using servelinks mod for image upload where it creates all three image for you in one go, then you should

Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2018 :  12:23:36  

Thanks for the info. My average size large image is approximately 500x500. I did think about resizing/uploading in bulk. However the hard part would be linking to each image from each product. I would have to open each product in admin and place "prodimages/giantpic...jpg" in the Giant image box one by one....7000 times. Unless there is another way...?

p.s.- I will check out the servelink image mod, thx.

ECT Moderator

10465 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2018 :  13:14:31  
Are you aware of the image csv utility built into the cart?

If the filenames stay the same, and go into a separate folder, or you can append the filenames then it would be a piece of cake.

Downsizing images in bulk is fine, but upsizing may be hit or miss.
If you just upsize a small amount, then you might get by.

At 500 x 500, unless they are high resolution, you wouldn't be able to upsize them too much.

Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2018 :  13:32:15  
I've never used the image csv utility.

When you say...
If the filenames stay the same, and go into a separate folder, or you can append the filenames then it would be a piece of cake.

Forgive my ignorance, I've always just added images one way. I've always opened up the product admin page and typed the path to each image in the text boxes (excluding the Giant images of course). I would not have to do that with each product if I used the csv utility?

ECT Moderator

10465 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2018 :  14:18:06  
Open your admin and go to the Product Administration page.
There, on the drop down "select action" choose product image.
Take a look at that file.

You can make bulk edits and additions and upload.

check this page -

Edited by - dbdave on 02/09/2018 14:19:11

Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2018 :  15:11:35  

I've had my ECT store for well over a decade and this is my first time discovering this. I really appreciate you pointing this out (even tho I feel really stupid now). I just assumed it was a tool I would never use and didn't pay any attention to it. I guess maybe I should poke around a bit more.

I will definitely give this a go. Can you suggest a good tool that i can use to resize my images in bulk?

ECT Moderator

10465 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2018 :  15:35:39  
I used a program before that I may still have, or at least the name of it. I'll check later at home. I'll post back in a few hours. Off to a concert now.

ECT Moderator

10465 Posts

Posted - 02/10/2018 :  08:26:03  
Hi, I did a google search and found numerous results, but this one stuck out to me -
I did not find the program I used before and do not remember the name of it.

Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 02/10/2018 :  09:31:14  
Thanks for your help dbdave!
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