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 Desktop Website Width
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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 03/05/2018 :  05:59:55  
My responsive design site is looking a bit small on large desktop monitors and it's something that's bugged me for a number of years.
How easy would it be to adjust to something a bit more wider. I am not wanting to fill the full screen as this may cause to many other issues and adjustments to be done.

It is currently only 980 pixels and could do with increasing to around 1280 I think. I understand a few changes would be needed in the style.css file.
.container being the starting point and the image background images/bg.jpg
How easy is it to do and what effect would it have on the initial responsive design effect?

I don't yet want to go down the route of renewing the template as I think with a few adjustments I would still be happy with the current style.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2018 :  06:10:15  

What I would do is copy your current site to a new location on the server. Then start changing the style.css file by adding 300 pixels to the fixed width settings. like the container, topnav etc as you say. Get that looking good on your desktop then move onto the different media queries to get those corrected too. It may be you just need another media query inserted for around 800 or 900 pixels.


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United Kingdom
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Posted - 03/05/2018 :  07:06:48  
Hi Andy,

My first breakpoint is for screen sizes between 780 and 980 pixels.
I would not be experienced enough to write in another breakpoint. I can only just get my head around css at the best of times.

I may have a play around with it as you say with a copy of the site in a separate location but if it's to complicated with lots of changes then it may be worth me changing the template instead.

I just thought this way would be quicker and easier. I suppose it would be for someone with more experience.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2018 :  07:18:05  
Have a play around and see how it goes. I reckon it would take a couple of hours to do and test so if you're having problems, drop me an email.


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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 03/07/2018 :  04:02:49  
Had a play around with this but to many things are going to need modifying that I don't think it's worth it. I have not got enough experience with css.

I got the basics ok but then found lots of issues with the image slider and the footer areas not fitting in.

I shall leave if for the time being, most people seem to zoom in to around 125% on their desktop browser anyway as lots of other sites are still narrow, even googles search pages.

When the time comes to purchase a new template I shall choose one to suit wider screens then.

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