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ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2018 :  13:19:11  
I've seen this happen when the number of characters posted exceeds the number permitted by the host. Can you ask them if there is a limit and if that can be increased.


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Gidion Lubbe
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Posted - 03/21/2018 :  02:32:25  
Just waiting for a reply from them.

Kind Regards
Gidion Lubbe

Gidion Lubbe
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Posted - 03/21/2018 :  05:16:51  

I managed to fix the redirect link back to Hookedonembroidery but still getting "Product details cannot be found"

Kind Regards
Gidion Lubbe

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/21/2018 :  07:22:48  
Do you know what the fix was for the last problem as it may have some bearing on this one?


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Gidion Lubbe
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Posted - 03/22/2018 :  10:06:26  
I compared the credentials between Hookedonembroidery and Stitchdelight and saw they differ. so just changed links.
The link I have for 2Checkout to return customers is set to the following:
I also have 3 different options to chose from on their site:
"Given links back to my website"
"Direct Return (Our URL)"
"Header Redirect (Your URL)"

Thats the only thing I can see that will affect the page I am getting.
I'm wondering how my site know's that the payment has gone through successfully?

Kind Regards
Gidion Lubbe

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2018 :  10:24:32  
That needs to be set to

Header Redirect (Your URL)


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Gidion Lubbe
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South Africa
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Posted - 03/22/2018 :  12:31:32  
Just tried another test order- Still no luck.

I'd be happy to give you logins for the admin side if you want to checkout what I have set?

Kind Regards
Gidion Lubbe

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2018 :  13:34:12  
Please do send me on an email with your ftp and store control panel details.


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Gidion Lubbe
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Posted - 03/23/2018 :  08:37:12  

Ok have sent an email via the browser-

Kind Regards
Gidion Lubbe

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2018 :  08:49:49  
I had a look at your 2Checkout set up and the value you have for the MD5 Hash looks like it could be wrong - obviously I don't know what it should be but I wouldn't have thought it would be so short so can you double check that?


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ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2018 :  10:03:33  
An MD5 hash is always 32 characters (32-bit), for reference


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Gidion Lubbe
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Posted - 03/25/2018 :  07:08:13  

I added a couple characters to see if it will make a difference, but nothing changed.
Here is the link that 2Checkout gives to redirect back to my site for downloading.


I also found this on 2Checkout that might help? (See below)

Secret Word: Your secret word is used in the encryption of a parameter 2CO will send to upon completion of a sale, namely, the MD5 hash.
The MD5 hash is provided to help you verify the authenticity of a sale. This is especially useful for sellers that sell downloadable products, or e-goods, as it can be used to verify whether sale actually came from 2Checkout and was a legitimate live sale. We intentionally break the hash code for demo orders so that you can compare the hash we provide with what it should be to determine whether or not to provide the customer with your goods or not.
To calculate the MD5 hash, you need to make a string that contains the information described below and pass it in as the value to your scripting languages MD5 function.
Below is an example:

md5 ( secret word + seller number + order number + total )

I also found this on 2Checkout that might help?

Kind Regards
Gidion Lubbe

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2018 :  09:40:46  
Can you enter a 32 digit secret word in your 2Checkout admin and then enter that in the md5 hash field of your store admin page for 2Checkout?

Make sure you try a live order to be sure it's working correctly.


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Gidion Lubbe
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South Africa
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Posted - 03/25/2018 :  10:30:10  
Hi, thats exactly what I did. and still got the same result.

I'm running out of ideas on how to fix this. It's probably something simple that we're missing.

Hope we can get it sorted soon

Kind Regards
Gidion Lubbe

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2018 :  11:02:22  
Was this a live order? Can you look in the transaction log in your merchant account to see the error reported.


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ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1198 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2018 :  13:49:19  
Hi Gidion

A few years ago I had issues adding the MD5 by copy & pasting in Worldpay which caused issues similar to yours.

The last Worldpay account I setup on a new website with ECT was in April 2016 and that also wouldn't accept the pasted MD5.

The only way was to type in the MD5 fully, it's worth a shot.

Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom.
Using ECT PHP versions since 2004

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Edited by - 1818charlie on 03/25/2018 13:50:25


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/26/2018 :  00:49:31  
Hi Gidion
The secret word you enter in 2Checkout doesn't have to be 32 characters. The MD5 that is created with that secret word will be 32 characters but the secret word used to generate it should be shorter. So can you change that to something more reasonable, and change the one set in your ECT admin area to the same then try another test in live mode. Then assuming that doesn't work still can you send the thanks page URL to my email at vince AT ecommercetemplates DOT com along with the site FTP login details and I'll have a look to see what is wrong.


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Gidion Lubbe
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South Africa
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Posted - 03/26/2018 :  21:12:51  

To Andy- This was a demo sale on 2checkout. I tried 2 live sales before getting the same result.
1818Charlie- Thanks gave it a try- same result.
To Vince- Ill send you the info later in the day.

Kind Regards
Gidion Lubbe

Gidion Lubbe
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South Africa
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Posted - 03/27/2018 :  10:02:16  
Thanks so much for everone's help- I just did a live test and all is sorted now!

Kind Regards
Gidion Lubbe

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2018 :  10:09:52  
Glad that's sorted now and thanks for letting us know.


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