I'm about to go in for yet another major heart procedure. Center of heart not getting blood.
I want to shut down the store but not the website so I figured the "On Vacation" setting would do the job but I can't find any info on just what this setting does.
Questions are: Does this modify the Home Page at all? didn't think I'd ask. Does it stop a customer from placing an order? Here I figure it does. Is an email message sent if someone tries to enter an order? Would be nice if it does.
Any help on this would help and my need is a bit urgent.
www.rustystumps.com Manufacturer of fine scale model railroad kits and detail parts
Hi Walt, sorry to hear that hope all goes well. It does not modify the home page, customers see the message that you set when they are on the cart page. If you want to remove the buy buttons from the product you can set the following parameter in the vsadmin/includes.asp nobuyorcheckout=true
Thanks Andy, I'm now scheduled for April 3rd for a major procedure may take 4 hours to try and put a stent in the clogged artery that was repaired two years ago. It's a tricky position at the top of a horseshoe curve in a artery attached to the heart where it beats strong. But this Cardiologist say's hes done them before. I'll find out if he can do it again. At least it's not on APRIL 1st.
www.rustystumps.com Manufacturer of fine scale model railroad kits and detail parts