Posted - 03/16/2018 : 12:41:01
Hi Michelle, unfortunately we can't use css there as those classes are using else where on the page but if you feel comfortable making the change its a small change. 1 make a backup copy of vsadmin/inc/incprods.php prior to editing. open vsadmin/inc/incprods.php look for the following line around line 2475 and change 20 to 45 I think you can't go much higher than 45 without blowing out the layout. <td class="cobll" width="25%"><input type="text" name="stext" size=" 20" value="<?php print htmlspecials($stext)?>" /></td> save incprods.php and upload it to the server, if you use a secret admin folder you will need to upload it to the screct folder /inc/ Winners never quit, quitters never win CSS and Responsive DesignsUser Manual for Ecommerce Templates