Ive had a few invoices where is seems that customers are adding the same item to the cart twice. But the cart has not combined them to one line item of a quantity of 2. Here is an example
im getting old, so bare with me, Im 99% sure that in the past, if someone clicked add to cart on the same item twice. the quantity would change to 2. Not create two separate lines.
Hi Steven, I clicked about and added several things to the cart in multiples different ways, adding from the detail page, adding from the search page I gave the site a pretty good work over and could not get the items to display on separate lines in the cart. Which leads me to ask are there any custom modification to the admin orders / invoices or packing slips?
I would still say it's the way in which the items were added to cart, maybe a saved cart that was returned to, maybe backing out of checkout, something along those lines.