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Posted - 04/29/2018 :  22:12:27  
We are running ECT 6.7.3.

We have only just noticed that when an order is placed using credit card, that an order confirmation is NOT sent to the customer, however an email IS sent via the eway gateway to confirm only the amount paid and who to. Whereas when the order is, say, Cheque or Direct Debit, an order confirmation email is sent immediately.

What am I missing here?


New Member

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Posted - 04/29/2018 :  22:16:50  
Sorry, this may be a duplicate of the previous topic. I didn't look before posting. Amazing that the topic name is exactly the same!
Apologies if so.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/30/2018 :  00:05:20  
Hi Dave

I don't think it is a duplicate of the other post - in your case email confirmation is received when you use "Email" as a payment method, correct? What payment provider are you using to accept credit cards and do you get an order summary when you complete the order on thanks.php?


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Posted - 04/30/2018 :  22:49:02  
Hi Andy,
I don't have access to our payment providers in the admin interface, but I will find out for you.
As for payment methods, we currently have 3:
- Credit Card/Debit Card
- Cheque or Direct Bank Transfer
- Telephone Order
So Emaiil is not enabled as a payment method.
And yes, I do receive an email from the credit provider when using credit card, which only shows the amount paid and who the payment was to, but do not receive an order confirmation email with the order and product details. When using the Cheque or Direct Debit payment method, I do get an order confirmation email.
Thanks for any help,

New Member

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Posted - 04/30/2018 :  22:57:57  
Just got this information from our GM regarding payment providers:

"We only use Eway and its an approved one for the cart."

Hope this is helpful, means nothing to me!

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/01/2018 :  00:18:09  
Are the credit card (eway) orders shown as authorized in the admin orders page and if you run a test transaction, do you get an order summary on the thanks page?


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Posted - 05/01/2018 :  00:21:39  
Yes to both these questions Andy.

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Posted - 05/01/2018 :  00:23:25  
Sorry Andy, I think the order comes up with status "New Order", not "Authorized".

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/01/2018 :  01:42:03  
When I tested the site here the email was sent it, but was just going straight to spam - have you checked if that could be the case here?


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Posted - 05/02/2018 :  05:09:21  
No sign of anything in spam folder.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/02/2018 :  07:33:02  
Can you let me know the URL of the store or put it in your forum profile so I can take a look?


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Posted - 05/02/2018 :  22:31:07  
Placed in my profile Andy. Thanks for you help,

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/03/2018 :  00:19:25  
Thanks. I tried an email order and the email arrived correctly. I was going to check your Email A Friend feature to see if that sent mail too but it's not enabled so wasn't able to although I guess that wouldn't tell me much more. So it seems emails are being sent from the store which would suggest any settings you have are correct so I can't see why you wouldn't get emails from a particular payment provider - has it always been this way or stopped after any changes you made on the store?

By the way, it looks like you also changed the email in your forum profile and you're now showing as pre-sales.


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Posted - 05/03/2018 :  19:11:36  
Hi Andy,
I seem to have made a real mess of my profile, such that I can no longer post replies to this topic. I thought I had the correct address, and our GM has responded to the email from that address, but I still can't post replies. Could I ask that you reset the email address of my profile to be the one that's associated with our account, please? Sorry about all this. I mistakenly altered it when I added our site address, forgetting that it would not allow me to do anything.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/03/2018 :  23:56:16  
Hi Dave

I'd need to look that up for you, do you know what surname was used on the orders? Send me an email if you prefer.


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Posted - 05/04/2018 :  00:18:57  
Hi Andy,
Sent you an email.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2018 :  08:12:44  
I didn't hear back from you but there are two options. I can change the email on your past orders to match the one in your forum profile or you need to change the forum email, it's the email with a "1" in it.


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Posted - 05/05/2018 :  19:17:16  
Hi Andy,
Back on the air again. Thanks for you help with that.

I think the "problem" (if it really is so) is that, when I make an order which is NOT via credit card (as your's was), I get an email order confirmation sent to me. Which is fine, and gives details of the products, etc, that I have ordered.

If I, however, make an order via credit card, I get an email from the credit card provider, but it only provides details of the purchase amount, and credit card details. I do not get an email from ECT with the order details as above.

I can't say when this started happening, although it doesn't seem to have put any of our customers off terribly. Our GM thinks it may have been like this for quite some time now - maybe the last few updates, but we don't really know. Is this behaviour the norm, or should I get BOTH emails - i.e. one from the credit provider and one from the cart with order information?

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2018 :  19:31:17  
You should get both, but to get the one from the cart the customer must make their way to the thanks page after paying. Is it possible your credit card process is not getting folks back to the thanks page?


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New Member

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Posted - 05/05/2018 :  22:33:39  
Hi insight,
When I make a credit card purchase myself, I end up at the thanks page, where an order confirmation is displayed. Just never get it emailed to me.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/06/2018 :  00:19:01  
Do you have a cheap product I can test with and you can issue a refund?


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