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 Revisiting thanks.asp page causes error
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Graham Slaughter
Ecommerce Template Expert

828 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2018 :  06:24:46  
Hey Guys,

For years now I have noticed customers getting an error on the thanks.asp page. I have setup custom error handling so that I get emailed any time an error happens. This particular error is:
The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded.
You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout
or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools.

Typically I just ignore these errors because research has shown that they're simply triggered when a customer revisits the thanks.asp page, but a thought occurred to me today that I wanted to share with you guys. Why are customers revisiting the thanks.asp page? My guess is that because it's the last page they were on after ordering, they simply bookmarked it.

These error notifications I get send me the querystring data as well. A typical example is like this:
amt=61.31&cc=USD&cm=*actual order number edited out by me*&item_name=1%20Rear%20Shock%20Mount%20Bushings%20Honda%20%2F%20Acura%2C%201%20
Rear%20Trailing%20Arm%20Bushings&st=Completed&tx=*actual transaction auth code edited out*

So here is my question. Instead of this simply being an annoying liability, can we not code this into an opportunity? Can we put in some code that checks to see if the order is ALREADY completed, and if so perhaps redirect to the orderstatus page with relevant data for the customer? Anything would be better than the customer getting a 500 error when then come back to the site.

- Graham Slaughter

Edited by - Graham Slaughter on 05/18/2018 15:05:37

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2018 :  06:41:17  
Hi Graham

I think it will be customers bookmarking the thanks page, I actually did the same recently but on an account logout page of a site I was buying from - went back and the page showed an error so I think it's a common thing to bookmark the last page you see on a site.

I'm not sure about the feasibility of showing another page if the customer returns but please put it in the Suggestions forum or I can move this post if you like.


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Graham Slaughter
Ecommerce Template Expert

828 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2018 :  07:12:04  
You're welcome to move the post over there. It seems like a fairly common issue based on the number of these errors I see. It isn't really a huge issue, but it would likely be nice for the customer to get something meaningful instead of an error.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2018 :  10:52:14  
When you visit my thanks page, you get
Sorry, there seemed to be an error !

If you need any help with your purchase, then please be sure to contact us.

<<< Stay and Keep Shopping

Do you not get that?
Because I am sure that could be changed and styled.

Graham Slaughter
Ecommerce Template Expert

828 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2018 :  12:11:13  
Hi Dave,

You would NOT get that if you were passing querystring data. Simply accessing the page at the URL doesn't pass any querystring data.

- Graham Slaughter

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2018 :  12:16:18  
Yes, it would depend on the payment provider and how they post back to the thanks page.


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2018 :  13:18:10  
Hi Graham, I see.
I'll have to test that on my store.
I do have a custom error page, so maybe that's why it hasn't hit me.

I do agree that it would be nice it this was native, but I know just enough .asp to be dangerous and I think I have an idea how this could work.
Right on the thanks.asp page (makes it update proof) you could check for the querystring (specifically and order id) and then see what the current status of that order ID is.
If it's in any status other than new or authorized, then do some stuff (such as redirect or throw a friendly message).
If you need help with it let me know and maybe I can work it out for you.

Graham Slaughter
Ecommerce Template Expert

828 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2018 :  15:05:03  
I agree it probably wouldn't be hard to take the order number and check to see if it's already authorized.

It probably is a simple fix, but I find that changes to the cart.asp and thanks.asp are better left to Vince so that I dont have to put the change back in every time I update. I tend to forget I made changes and lose the benefit when I update the ECT cart otherwise.

I have a custom error page as well, that's why I know the error is happening as my custom error page sends me an email. The problem is that if people are seeing the custom error page INSTEAD of something useful ... well I'd like to fix that!

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2018 :  18:05:24  
Hi Graham, you can fix this in thanks.asp and it will not get overwritten by updates. No changes to the ect files.
I am pretty sure.


42874 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2019 :  03:13:07  
I've finally got to the bottom of this problem after consultation with Graham, and what it came down to was when the thanks page was being revisited the order would fail as it was an old, completed order. But in this particular case an attempt was still made to create the Google analytics info but with an order ID of zero and which would then select all the uncompleted cart items and create an enormous string and which in turn would cause a timeout. I'm sorry for the problems here but thanks to Graham for helping me recreate it and find the solution.
I've updated your site with the fix, Graham, and I'll get the fix into the updater as soon as it's been through testing.


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42874 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2019 :  05:16:02  
And the changes are now in the updater, in the incthanks.asp / php page.


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Graham Slaughter
Ecommerce Template Expert

828 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2019 :  06:15:45  
That is fantastic! Thanks for the help Vince!

- Graham Slaughter
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