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Posted - 06/01/2018 :  06:48:47  
I know this is not the correct place for this question, but the forum won't let me post anything. Says I'm past my 6 months of support, which is not correct but what can I do?

The question is: I've set up a free shipping discount for purchases over $20 to be for the USA only. I've set the USA for FSA in the countries list. But it doesn't work! Am I doing something wrong? Please advise ... or tell me how I can get into the forum so I can ask in the proper area.

Thanks, Shannon

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2018 :  07:06:25  
Hi Shannon

You need to make sure the FSA is checked for the country and shipping method. The discount itself is set up in the admin discounts page.


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Posted - 06/01/2018 :  07:23:59  
Do I need to do anything to the Postal Zones set up?
There are 5 choices for domestic shipping, but only one shows up on the cart.
It doesn't give the free shipping when I add an item to the cart that's in the correct price range and sending to the USA.
Sorry, but shipping has always been the most difficult thing for me to get set up correctly. It's very confusing.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2018 :  07:35:16  
What shipping method do you have set in the amin admin settings page - is it weight based shipping? If so, there's some set up help available here - other shipping methods are also discussed on that page.


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Posted - 06/01/2018 :  07:50:08  
I have it connected to the USPS shipping database and they use weight based as far as I know.
It isn't showing any shipping rate options in the cart; only Standard shipping as far as I can tell.
Shouldn't there be a drop down box for the buyer to make the choice?
And it doesn't give the free shipping to the appropriate purchase amount and country.
I've read the page you sent me to but it doesn't really help since it's supposed to be computed automatically by the USPS database.
I'm so confused .... what am I doing wrong?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2018 :  07:58:41  
If you are using USPS then you should check the corresponding FSA box in the USPS admin page under shipping methods. The Postal Zones aren't used for online carriers so you can ignore those.


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Posted - 06/01/2018 :  08:18:08  
Yes, that was the problem.
Onward, ever onward ...

Advanced Member

198 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 06/01/2018 :  08:28:05  
Never mind on this question. I see it in the checkout section, just before I'm shuttled over to PayPal.
My apologies.

And now my question is: how does the buyer choose which shipping option to use? Some of the items qualify for Media Mail (which is a selected option in the Shipping Methods) but I see no way for them to select it. I still only get one option. Is this set up in the Zones section? I see where I can choose to have 5 options (which is how many I've selected) but that's where my understanding stops. Do I have to select "5" and then, what, set them up for FSA with zeroes in the boxes?
thx yet again ...

Edited by - skshannon on 06/01/2018 08:33:08

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2018 :  08:34:12  
Hi skshannon, any of those (shipping service under your USPS setup in the admin) you have enabled should show, unless the weight of the shipment exceeds the allowable weight for that service, or the service is not available to that destination address.

Edited by - dbdave on 06/01/2018 08:35:43
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