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 Best credit card processor for overseas orders
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Advanced Member

198 Posts

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Posted - 06/15/2018 :  12:57:11  
Hi, Does anyone have any recommendations on a good source for accepting international credit card payment through their US website that is secure enough that you do not get pinged with chargebacks?

I have used Paypal Direct & Paypal Express credit card acceptance over the last five years and it has never yielded me good results. As a matter of fact I have been hit with thousands of dollars in chargebacks because Paypal considers any credit card purchase from a non verified user as ineligable for seller protection. Any ideas?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/15/2018 :  13:50:42  
Hi Eddie

My take on this is that any initial checking / reporting comes from the payment provider but the final decision on accepting the order and shipping is down to the store owner. I'm not sure there's too much difference in the payment provider initial checks to be honest.


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 06/15/2018 :  15:00:11  
Andy is spot on. No processor that I ever heard of will absolve you from a chargeback.
It always falls back on the merchant.
It's unfair because it leads to legitimate purchasers filing chargebacks when they really ordered the item, and just decided they don't want to pay.

The thing to do is protect yourself and use extreme diligence with these orders before you ship them.

Advanced Member

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Posted - 07/03/2018 :  09:32:01  
Thanks, I figured as much.

John M
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Posted - 07/03/2018 :  17:23:00  
The Braintree integration for ECT PHP supports all the major Credit and Debit cards, Paypal, PayPal Express and Apple Pay all in multiple currencies.

It supports 3Dsecure which shifts liability to the banks and so far all chargebacks have completely disappeared the last 5 months :-)

You still need to be diligent where address verification failed and verify the billing address with the customer since you have to maintain your reputation otherwise you could land up in a high risk category, however since 3DSecure is like a Chip and Pin transaction the customer and bank are liable and not the merchant.


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