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 Ship to Commercial Location
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Posted - 06/23/2018 :  10:18:23  
Is there a way to add to the shipping charge when this box is not checked.

or put another way, can I charge extra for residential delivery.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/23/2018 :  10:48:36  

There isn't a feature to add your own charge there I'm afraid.


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 06/23/2018 :  11:43:54  
This is just a "me thinking out loud" post, but I have always struggled with the customer selecting this, and in our stores early days, disabled it because customers found that when they select commercial, the shipping costs dropped. Even though they were residential.
So I deactivated that and basically all rates come in at the higher residential rate.

It would be nice though, if the commercial customers received the lower cost shipping charges.

I recently made a post here -
This is the address verification we have installed on our site.
In just a week of having it up, we found about 80%+ of our customers addresses are being validated by the customer. It's been terrific.
Well, moving on to my point..... The info returned from smarty streets, includes the classification of the address, being commercial or residential.

I believe it would be pretty easy to write some javascript the could populate that commercial indicator when applicable, and keep it hidden from the user.
I may test this in the near future.
For any of you that do some coding, let me know if you have a go at it.

Edited by - dbdave on 06/23/2018 11:45:01
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