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 Increase in PayPal/Braintree Express errors
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John M
Advanced Member

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Posted - 07/04/2018 :  08:30:21  
Seeing a much higher level of abandoned carts for customers using the Braintree Express Checkout Option which displays the PayPal button on Step 1 of the Checkout Process.

It has always been a slightly problematic for a few customers however since 6.9.0 the error rate is ever increasing with each subsequent release to the point of considering disabling the option however it is very popular and convent with customers... that is when it works.

It appears that something has changed on the PayPal/Braintree side of things.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/04/2018 :  08:46:05  
Hi John

Can you let us know what errors you are getting? I don't think any changes have actually been made to Braintree in subsequent releases apart from the Merchant ID being added in 6.9.2


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John M
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Posted - 07/04/2018 :  10:40:35  
Hi Andy,

Wish we knew what the error was however most annoyingly we don't get the error message on the admin console... just a button that says Auth. Code and the amount.

It would be so very useful to bring the actual error messages that customers' see back to the admin console.

We can go to the payment gateway and see the errors for card payments but if the customer uses PayPal then we don't see a single thing and are totally blind. Not good.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/04/2018 :  10:50:07  
Can you put some test orders through to see if you get a usable error?


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John M
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Posted - 07/04/2018 :  11:10:03  
There are so many ways to test here...

I don't know if the customer is using a guest credit or debit card or using their PayPal account or if they logged in or not to the ECT cart.

When I try I keep getting a "You must enter a phone number." error message on Step 2.

Would need a new test system with test accounts to go any further.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/04/2018 :  11:28:41  
I believe you can turn off the phone requirement in your selling preferences in your paypal account profile.


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John M
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Posted - 07/04/2018 :  12:10:41  
Good to know, however I don't think that is the issue since that is showing up on Step 2.

Abandoned carts only show up on step 3 of the checkout process... so it is between Step 3, PayPal and the Thanks page and only with the Braintree Express option.

The PayPal option by BrainTree on Step 3 has no issues at all and is what we have to tell customers to use to complete their order since the Express option just won't work for some customers.


John M
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Posted - 07/05/2018 :  11:03:08  
Is it possible this might be browser related since it works well for some and not others?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/05/2018 :  11:09:19  
I'd say that's unlikely and it may just be regular abandoned carts. If it was my store though I would be putting through test orders to check.


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John M
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Posted - 07/05/2018 :  11:27:37  
No these are payment errors and only with BrainTree Express... Customers call but are unable to tell what went wrong and are directed to the PayPal button on Step 3 of the checkout which subsequently then works just fine for them.

It is only happening with BrainTree Express and we are not seeing what the error message is.

Bringing all error messages to the admin console would be a huge plus.


John M
Advanced Member

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Posted - 07/05/2018 :  12:33:15  
One of the things I see is all the BrainTree Express PayPal orders coming through with I:I I for the CVS and AVS codes even when it is a confirmed address or not. That can't be right.

Used to be similar with BrainTree until the 6.9.1 upgrade back in March/April then everything became all properly matched. M:M M

Maybe the BrainTree Express Option needs updating as well?

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