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 I broke my store really bad
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Bill S
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Posted - 07/10/2018 :  19:35:05  
For years now I have been living with a huge mistake and flattened my store. I had to go in and patch and kludge files so the site would at least show correctly. All was well, kinda, until I hit it with 6.9.3. Site shows but nothing works. I hit buttons and nothing happens. So here is my question since I do not have a dwt file, do I scrap the whole site and start over or try to un-mangle the code? I have followed the video instruction on how to create a dwt file and make changes from there. But there is crap code splashed all over so I could get it to go.
I have been editing the site on a file by file basis. That has not been fun. I cringe when I need an update or need an edit. The site has been stale and ugly because of this. I don't know enough of Expression Web 3 to make this site beautiful again.
Plus on top of this I'm hosted with GoDaddy so the store has no sales since TLS 1.2. FYI... If you are on GD classic Windows server TLS 1.2 will never work. Have to have Ultimate, which I do, for TLS 1.2 to connect. Ultimate is a 2012 R2 server with TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 enabled. GD states they will be disabling TLS 1.0 and that should solve the api problem they say. But now I can't test to see if TLS works since the store is FUBAR. Thanks for the info.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 07/10/2018 :  20:38:55  
If you just updated, and none of your buttons work, then start with this -

Bill S
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Posted - 07/10/2018 :  21:30:00  
dbdave, That is where I realized there is not an easy way for me to edit all the store files. Not having a dwt file makes it time consuming and error prone at least for me. I'm really tired of editing the store files one at a time. Thanks for the info.

Ecommerce Template Guru

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Posted - 07/10/2018 :  21:35:07  
I found myself in that situation using frontpage... moved to a new template with dreamweaver and all is right again. If you need help, there are plenty of us here to help you. A move to a new host would serve you well, is great with customer service and they specialize running this template system.

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Bill S
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Posted - 07/19/2018 :  06:54:56  
In the code is already this:
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">

Does this line get replaced with this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/ectcart.js"></script>

or add this line to existing code?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/19/2018 :  06:57:09  
Hi Bill

You would add this line

<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/ectcart.js"></script>

You won't want to replace anything with that.


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Bill S
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Posted - 07/19/2018 :  15:21:16  
Thanks Andy. That fixed that problem and I'm finally back online.
Still unable to process Paypal. GoDaddy is "looking" into the TLS issue as TLS 1.0 is still enabled on the 2012 R2 shared server. GoDaddy insists that it is not their problem since I'm on a 2012 R2 server with TLS 1.2 enabled. Is there code to be added to ignore TLS 1.0 and force TLS 1.2 in the Ecommerce code?

I am missing a parameter block in the Paypal Express Payments setup. I'm running 6.9.3 ASP. I'm missing "API Method" All else is there looking at the help file. Still getting the -2147012739 error connecting to Paypal and UPS. Just trying to get my ducks in a row so when it is time to move from GoDaddy I will be prepared.

I know this thread is all over the place as I'm getting a lot bent out of shapes . Thanks for listening and thank you for the info.

Bill S
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Posted - 07/21/2018 :  08:15:54  
I am missing a parameter block in the Paypal Express Payments setup. I'm running 6.9.3 ASP. I'm missing "API Method" All else is there looking at the help file. Is this an error or is it OK?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2018 :  08:24:30  
I missed the previous post, sorry.

I'm not sure what you mean by the "parameter block".

It is certainly a TLS1.2 issue if PayPal and UPS are failing.


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New Zealand
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Posted - 07/21/2018 :  12:02:27  
try this site to ensure TLS1.2 is really enabled

May give you a bit more ionformation


Bill S
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Posted - 07/22/2018 :  19:21:09  
GoDaddy states that some servers have been overlooked and never had TLS 1.0 disabled. This is supposed to fix the TLS problem. Still waiting for fix. They discovered this Friday 7/20/18. I ran TLS checker from several sites with all showing TLS 1.0 enabled. Even GoDaddy's checker was showing 1.0 enabled. That finally got the GD tech to push me thru to a developer who is now working the case. I have no ETA.

The question about the parameter missing. In the help file it shows API Method.
In my version ASP 6.9.3, I do not have API Method listed in Paypal Express. Shows Signature Hash then under that is Transaction Type. No API Method. I would think this is a necessary parameter.

Thanks, bill

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 07/22/2018 :  21:42:27  
I would think this is a necessary parameter.

No it isn't necessary, just use the signature hash, you'd never get the other method going at GD anyway.


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Posted - 07/23/2018 :  04:54:27  
[quote]GoDaddy states that some servers have been overlooked and never had TLS 1.0 disabled.[/quote] This is odd since I spoke with several levels of support from Godaddy and they said they are not going to disable TLS 1.0.

My story with godaddy and solution. Hope it helps and gets you going in the right directon.

Bill S
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Posted - 07/23/2018 :  06:52:40  
Thanks Insight.

It may be all smoke and mirrors about TLS 1.0 I was told that GoDaddy Ultimate Windows runs on 2012r2 shared servers. Any other shared Windows runs on 2008 and GD will not disable TLS 1.0.

Here is the email I received from GD tech Friday 7/20 :
Good Morning Bill
I have an answer for you. This was supposed to be removed and due to your email we contacted our developers and discovered some of our servers were missed. This is being addressed immediately. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!!

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/23/2018 :  07:02:20  
According to the test results here TLS1.0 is still enabled.


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Posted - 07/23/2018 :  07:15:09  
I do not trust anything that Godaddy tells me. Even in email they have been wrong (Andy has seen it). Time is money and I could not wait for them to get their sh*t together. I hope it works out for you though. If not, there are other hosts and (Peter) is awesome.

Bill S
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Posted - 07/23/2018 :  07:40:21  
This even shows on GD checker.
TLS versions found available

I'm not going to wait to much longer. It was a huge PITA just to have GD recognize there was a problem.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/23/2018 :  07:48:46  
It's your call Bill but if it was my site I wouldn't hang on any longer.


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Bill S
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Posted - 07/23/2018 :  08:21:02  

I'm currently asking about refund policy.

Bill S
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Posted - 07/23/2018 :  10:00:45  
GD is now stating that my website must request 1.2. It is enabled on gd servers. so now we are pointing fingers. Is this a valid request?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/23/2018 :  11:13:48  
My understanding is that only TLS1.2 should be available for security reasons.


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