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 Orders not showing when selected
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Advanced Member

New Zealand
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Posted - 07/19/2018 :  16:59:40  
Guys why is this starting to happen

I go to order management select the order from a customer perspective and get

Please contact our customer services department for details of your order

I can find the order in the admin console ok


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/19/2018 :  23:46:19  
Hi Paul

There was a fix for this when there was a problem in the client account page and you clicked on a past order. That was sorted out so if you can update I believe that will fix it. Apologies for any hassles there.


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New Zealand
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Posted - 07/20/2018 :  13:06:55  
Thanks Andy. Do you know which update resolved the issue? Im running 6.9.2.

I also remember you wrote a great article on updating with customization how to. Any idea where that was? (FOUND :-) And have to apologize to Vince as he wrote it)

And I sent you an email to info@ but had no response.

Many thanks


Edited by - pdraper on 07/20/2018 13:13:47

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/20/2018 :  13:23:47  
I sent you 2 files earlier. Can you check your spam / junk folder?

I can't find the hotfix but I'm guessing you'll need incclientlogin.asp or incthanks.asp from the latest updater.


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New Zealand
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Posted - 07/20/2018 :  16:53:20  
Hey Thanks Andy,

Definitely nothing in inbox or junk


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/20/2018 :  23:12:01  
I just checked and it was sent to your Hotmail address, maybe that's the problem so if you can let me have another email to try I'll forward it on.


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New Zealand
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Posted - 07/20/2018 :  23:34:41  
Just added a new one to my profile here


Advanced Member

New Zealand
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Posted - 07/21/2018 :  14:06:12  
Thanks Andy, received 27 times till it filled my email :-) You may have an email issue :-)


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2018 :  23:50:14  
Sorry about that, I'll see what's up. When I opened my mail this morning the email was still in the outbox and just checked and there's only one instance in the Sent Items folder so not sure what happened there.


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New Zealand
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Posted - 07/22/2018 :  13:28:36  
Also to conclude this thread. Updating from 6.9.2 to 6.9.4 did indeed resolve the issue


Advanced Member

New Zealand
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Posted - 07/22/2018 :  16:20:07  
Ok new issue on this one. If the order shows in order management customer side as awaiting payment and I click the order I receive

Cannot find details for order id: xxx


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/22/2018 :  23:48:55  
Those would be orders that have a status less than 3 ie ones that are not authorized - is that right?


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New Zealand
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Posted - 07/22/2018 :  23:58:53  
Yep that is the ones. Is there a way to change the wording so that it states the order was unauthoorised or is there a way they can recover the order to pay?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/23/2018 :  01:02:21  
I had a look and that text isn't editable I'm afraid. You can use the abandoned cart feature to try to recover the order


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 07/23/2018 :  07:39:20  
I think this goes back to the other thread perhaps.
Maybe you have renamed order status 2 (unauthorized) as awaiting payment?
Bad things can happen to orders sitting in order status 2.

They may expire, based on your settings, or the customer may be able to change the order.
In your admin main settings, you can set "Would you like to delete uncompleted orders?" and how long.

If you do plan to use an "awaiting payment" status, what I recommend (and what we do) is have a new status created for awaiting payment, and use that.
This way you can be sure not to lose those orders.

Advanced Member

New Zealand
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Posted - 07/23/2018 :  13:57:39  
Hey Dave,

This is orders placed after 3 minutes coming back with that line. Havent changed anything on the payment status page yet/


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/23/2018 :  23:57:14  
I think what David is saying there is that you have to be careful with orders that are not authorized in general as those will get automatically deleted after the time set in your main admin settings.


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