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 Design issues
 Category error
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Advanced Member

218 Posts

Posted - 07/16/2018 :  08:36:11  
For some reason, I can no longer add a category to my Linux based store unless it is sub-category of Home Category.

All the sub-categories in my store now have this error:

"At least one of your categories is marked as for products, but categories have been added to it. This may cause you problems and will be shown in red in the "Category Path" column."


Paul Schneider Jr

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/16/2018 :  08:47:06  
Hi Paul

Can you double check the hierarchy of categories and sub-categories you have in the category admin as I assume there's something there that's not right.


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Advanced Member

218 Posts

Posted - 07/16/2018 :  09:11:12  
Thank, Andy.

When I go into my back office and click on "categories", then click on "New Category", it only gives me one option, the "Home Category". Always before it has had more categories than this to choose from, including categories I have created.

To my knowledge, I did nothing to change this in my software, and this is the first time I have encountered it, where it doesn't give me other options.


Paul Schneider Jr

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/16/2018 :  09:48:11  
Do you have one of the categories set as the "category root" it will show with a line above and below the category name in the category admin page?


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Advanced Member

218 Posts

Posted - 07/16/2018 :  11:50:36  
The way my store has worked is that I have the categories on my home page assigned to the Home Category. The Home Category has been my product catalog root. I created a Product Root category which just shows up among the categories visible when you go to my store (try it, How is this supposed to work?

I am guessing this difference happened with updating my store to a newer version? My store still opens to the "categories" webpage and contains all the categories originally assigned to "Home Category", with the new "root" category just being part of the categories there.

Thanks for any enlightenment.


Paul Schneider Jr

Advanced Member

218 Posts

Posted - 07/16/2018 :  14:17:02  
I just found out that somehow my categories that have other categories under them had somehow switched in the Category Function to: Products may be added to these categories.
When I switched them back, then all was well. I have no idea how they got switched, but thanks for considering this with me.

Paul Schneider Jr

Advanced Member

218 Posts

Posted - 07/16/2018 :  19:50:01  
When I switched from "Product may be added" to Categories may be added, it took me back to an old version of the store with old product names from last year. Plus, when I switched to Categories may be added, then it says that the products were not available.

So, until I can figure this out, I switched back to "Product may be added". At least the store works. Any idea what is going on?

Paul Schneider Jr

Advanced Member

218 Posts

Posted - 07/16/2018 :  20:04:22  
Sorry, I figured it out. I had not deleted the old product name categories and it was tying back into them. They are deleted now, and all is well.

Paul Schneider Jr
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