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Advanced Member

257 Posts

Posted - 07/20/2018 :  10:06:22  
I have noticed several occasions where when attempting to login to the admin area at, upon clicking the button to login, the site redirects to the login page as in a loop. The credentials are valid and the only work around I have found with is loading the URL either via HTTP or HTTPS (usually the opposite of the version I try first) The ECT version is 6.8.5 PHP.

Any anyone come across this before and found a solution? I think this site needs some redirect code added to the .htaccess file as it is still possible to browse via HTTP.

Thank you.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/20/2018 :  10:12:14  
Hi Link

When I've seen this before it's been down to a problem with the session variables on the server I believe. Each time showing the problem to the host led to a fix on their end.


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Advanced Member

257 Posts

Posted - 09/26/2018 :  16:00:41  
I'm having similar issues with another site at which is on the same server as the DogWatch site. When I try to login to the admin area, I enter valid credentials and it just loops me back to the log in page. I have learned that if after logging in, I enter a direct URL to an admin page, it will take me in. The client is reporting losing customers due to similar issues on the front end. I have noticed times when I add items to the cart but they do not show up. However, after adding more items or doing a refresh, the items appear. I'm not sure how to trouble shoot this but would welcome thoughts on what to check and how to fix so I can fix these issues for these clients.



ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 09/27/2018 :  00:06:21  
It does sound like a related problem with the session variables so was your host able to fix the original site, they probably need to do the same thing on this one.


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Advanced Member

257 Posts

Posted - 09/27/2018 :  03:33:27  
Hi Andy. I don't think it ever got resolved. This is a dedicated server so we've got full access to it. Can you remind me what to say to them to ask them to take a look? I tried the site with a fresh browser and when I add things to the cart, they do not appear.


Advanced Member

257 Posts

Posted - 09/27/2018 :  03:39:07  
Does the PHP version have any impact on how ECT operates? This site is currently using 5.6 but we have the ability to change it to something higher like 7.0 or 7.1. I will ask the host about session variables as well.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 09/27/2018 :  03:53:16  
We would always advocate using the latest stable PHP version. Have a look here on on possible changes you may need to make for PHP 7


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Advanced Member

257 Posts

Posted - 09/27/2018 :  04:12:29  
Both my includes.php and db_connect files have the correct syntax in place. Just tried PHP 7.0 and it appears to work okay. When trying PHP 7.1, I get the following error in the popup cart window when adding a product.

The following product isn't currently available in our store: "
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /home/abigails/public_html/vsadmin/inc/inccart.php:2162 Stack trace: #0 /home/abigails/public_html/vsadmin/inc/inccart.php(2258): addproduct('bag') #1 /home/abigails/public_html/vsadmin/shipservice.php(84): include('/home/abigails/...') #2 {main} thrown in /home/abigails/public_html/vsadmin/inc/inccart.php on line 2162

Advanced Member

257 Posts

Posted - 09/27/2018 :  04:15:22  
Also, this site appears to still be on 6.6.3 so should I attempt an upgrade to the latest version as well?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 09/27/2018 :  04:22:27  
Yes, I would update the site to the latest version.


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