Posted - 08/28/2018 : 17:00:42
So I have now narrowed down the offending bit of code.
Line 87 to 90
if instr(detailpagelayout,"socialmedia")>0 then "SELECT "&IIfVs(NOT mysqlserver,"TOP 1 ")&"imageSrc FROM productimages WHERE imageProduct='" & mi_escape_string(productid) & "' AND imageType IN (0,1" & IIfVs(usegiantogimage,",2") & ") ORDER BY imageType DESC,imageNumber" & IIfVs(mysqlserver," LIMIT 0,1"),cnn,0,1 if NOT rs.EOF then metaogimage="<meta property=""og:image"" content=""" & IIfVs(instr(rs("imageSrc"),"://")=0,storeurl) & IIfVr(left(rs("imageSrc"),1)="/",right(rs("imageSrc"),len(rs("imageSrc"))-1),rs("imageSrc")) & """ />" else metaogimage="" end if
Invalid use of Null
If I remove this out the rest of it work perfectly.
So I thought it might be because I didnt have a giant image. Placed one in and response still the same.