Hi, I'm moving my website from GoDaddy to BlueHost. What's the best way to do move my ECT store. I still have the active GoDaddy site and an active site with BlueHost with another domain name (I want to change to the domain name of my GoDaddy site in the future once that's closed). Do I shut down the GoDaddy site now and just upload the store to the new site? I have no idea how to do this without messing things up. Thanks, Bob
Hi, I moved my store to BlueHost including the data base, but can't make a connection to my database using the "createdb.php" command. I"m sure I have the right info in "db_conn_open.php". I had to dash out the create lines my data base to get it to import into BlueHost. Is this the issue? Thanks, Bob
You wouldn't use the createdb.php file as the database is already created if you have imported it successfully. You would just need to make sure the details are correct in db_conn_open.php and that's it really.