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Ecommerce Template Expert

816 Posts

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Posted - 02/14/2018 :  11:08:13  
So I have moved my webstores to Servelink and need to download those sites to my laptop.

I started using Expression Web site wizard but I am not sure if I have the correct New address for
where is the correct address for this process?
Is there a better way to do it? rather than using EW Import Wizard?

I was advised to set up a New Site( in Expression Web
Then connect by FTP and EW would populate the site from the remote/new site location.

I am a little shaky on this as I set these sites up 6 years ago.
also, my emails have been harvested by spambots to some extent.

I am going to implement a javascript encoder, but am unsure as to the email addresses themselves.

Should I create all new addresses? or slightly modify them on the new Host?
What is the effect of creating all new?

should I selectively discard some and keep others?
This Host setup is different as I have 3 separate websites rather than add-on or sub-domain setup.

i think I am looking for advice on this because I am starting new/fresh and want to maximize visibility and continuity with the web at large going forward.

Thank you in advance.

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2018 :  11:21:49  
Hi Merritt, Servelink security does not allow for ftp using Expression Web, try using Filezilla or Ipswitch WS_ftp. You may want to check with Servelink regarding the email they may have a recommendation, I would get rid of any email address that are no longer being used except by spammers. With multi-sites I like to keep each one in a separate folder and each have their own ftp username and password.

Winners never quit, quitters never win
CSS and Responsive Designs
User Manual for Ecommerce Templates

Ecommerce Template Expert

816 Posts

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Posted - 02/14/2018 :  13:53:58  
Thank you Sinbad,
That is just the kind of advice I need.

Thank you!

Ecommerce Template Expert

816 Posts

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Posted - 02/20/2018 :  06:27:17  
I have my main site up & running smoothly(processed orders) on the ServeLink servers utilizing Filezilla and EW.

on my Paypal express GIF disappeared and Paypal doesn't seem to be working.

I followed the same procedure??

I did notice I have copies of 2 files in my Projects folder: cart.php & categories.php

Any advice on something/detail I may be missing??

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2018 :  06:40:43  
Hi Merritt

Are both sites using the same PayPal account? If so, open both your payment provider admin pages in adjacent browser tabs and check the settings in each match. The PayPal button comes directly from PayPal and isn't something you need to upload or anything like that.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

816 Posts

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Posted - 02/20/2018 :  06:52:54  
Yes I use same account for both.
Settings are the same.

API account name:

Funny I changed Hosts, could that API acount above have something to do with it?

So any ideas?

Edited by - merritt on 02/20/2018 07:16:10

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2018 :  07:12:25  
I just checked your site and the PayPal button is showing fine for me on the cart page, maybe you can force a refresh in the browser, Ctrl + Refresh to check.


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ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2018 :  07:20:24  
Same here I see the Paypal Express button in both Firefox and Chrome browsers.

Winners never quit, quitters never win
CSS and Responsive Designs
User Manual for Ecommerce Templates

Ecommerce Template Expert

816 Posts

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Posted - 02/20/2018 :  11:09:24  
Seemed to be a Temp situation.

thanks for checking it.

Ecommerce Template Expert

816 Posts

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Posted - 02/21/2018 :  06:09:43  
How about this question?

Both stores seem to be up and running.
When I logon to Admin is it automatically going to my New Store Location at servelink?

or am I still utilizing my old location?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 02/21/2018 :  06:18:22  
It's a week since you did the migration so you would assume that would have to be the new location now.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

816 Posts

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Posted - 08/21/2018 :  10:30:58  
It has been 6 months since I migrated my webstore to Servelink.
I had to learn some new programs(Par) and it cost more than my last host.

But, it really has been a Good Host upgrade and a learning experience.

They have excellent customer support that really helps you once you get across your concern/request.
Of course, in the beginning I had some requests for clarity on some things I didn't quite grasp.
They graciously helped me once understanding me/ & my particular store requirements.

In hindsight, I find I prefer their Ticket System over Online Chat, it might be because their help is more knowledgeable.
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