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DIY Marquees
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 08/20/2018 :  03:03:14  

We have a problem with our website in that all of the orders for the last month or so have been unauthorized.

Our payment provider is PaymentSense. We receive emails when orders are authorized by them but they remain unauthorized on the site.

Do you have any ideas as to why this has happened? Please let me know any info I can provide to help.

Any help is much appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Alex Clarke.

DIY Marquees

Alex J Clarke

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2018 :  03:06:30  
Hi Alex

Have you checked to see if there is any kind of error message on checkout?


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DIY Marquees
Starting Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 08/28/2018 :  04:33:18  
Hi Andy,

Thank you for your reply. I've gone through the checkout process using a new product set at £0.01. See here:

There seemed to be no issues in checkout. The process returned me to:

However the issue still persists in that the order was unauthorized.

Any help is greatly appreciated - apologies for the long reply

Alex J Clarke

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 08/28/2018 :  06:24:03  
No probs Alex. So all the details of the order are sent on to PaymentSense and the order is verified on their end but the customer is returned to thanks.php with the "sorry" message - is that it?

Are other payment methods working as expected? I was just wondering if it was perhaps a TLS1.2 issue.


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DIY Marquees
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 08/28/2018 :  08:49:59  
Hi Andy,

The details are sent to paymentSense, the order is verified on their end and an email is sent to us confirming everything is OK. - no problems here

The customer is returned to thanks.php as normal with a "thank you" message on there.

Paypal as a gateway is working no problem.

The issue is the list of orders on our ecommerce backend "/vsadmin/login.php" are all listed as unauthorized and no email is received from this.

Alex J Clarke

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 08/28/2018 :  10:06:52  
That's an odd one then as a successful return to the thanks page really should authorize the order and trigger the email. Maybe something small has changed in their integration - do you know what the start date was for the problem and I'll see if I can find anything out?


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DIY Marquees
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 10/16/2018 :  07:38:24  
Hi Andy,

I've just created a product that costs £0.00 and everything went through ok!

- There was no redirect to a payment gateway so that must be the problem? PaymentSense isn't configured properly or something?

Any ideas?

Kind Regards,

Alex Clarke.

Alex J Clarke

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/16/2018 :  07:40:43  
Hi Alex

If you have a zero priced product the system automatically defaults to Email as the payment method - you can't test any payment provider when the total is zero.


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DIY Marquees
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 10/16/2018 :  07:47:08  
Hi Andy,

Recon it could be the customppsend.php or customppreturn.php files?

Think I might have the wrong ones up there. Is it payment provider specific?

Alex J Clarke

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/16/2018 :  07:58:51  
Yes, they are payment provider specific, make sure you have the latest files from


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DIY Marquees
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 10/16/2018 :  08:34:10  
Hi Andy,

I've updates the files and still no luck! :(

We have multiple websites with the same payment provider information (also using ecommerce templates back end).

Would this make a difference?

Alex J Clarke

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/16/2018 :  09:00:40  
Do they all show that same behaviour?

I'm not that familiar with Payment sense but do you have to set a return url or domain in their admin? It might be worth checking with them if you can use the same account for multiple sites though.


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DIY Marquees
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 10/18/2018 :  08:26:19  
Hi Andy,

Both websites show the same behavior. The only thing on the paymentsense side to be set is the store URL. Which is set to

What info does the website need to receive to authorize the orders?

We've receiving payments all OK and we're getting emails from paymentsense to say the payments are authorized. The issue is that the store backed is not authorizing the orders so I'm guessing it's the information paymentsense is returning to the store that isn't correct?

Could it be an SSL issue? We've recently updated our store to force https across the whole site.

Alex J Clarke

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/18/2018 :  08:38:10  
I'll see if I can set up a test account with Paymentsense and that way I don't keep having to ask you to make tests or changes.


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ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/18/2018 :  09:17:42  
I have just written to them asking if I can set up a test account.


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ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/19/2018 :  09:53:55  
This the reply I got
I would advise requesting that the customer contacts us directly regarding this as we would be unable to action this.

For data security reasons, we would also not be able to discuss any customer accounts with yourself.

I wanted to test our integration to make sure that wasn't the problem, I'm sure if you contact them they'll tell you to contact us

I've written back to say I don't want to test your account but our general integration.


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DIY Marquees
Starting Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 10/22/2018 :  02:50:33  
Thanks for the help Andy, I'll get in contact to see if I can get any sense out of them.

Will keep you posted.

Alex J Clarke
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