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 Buying 2x Gift Certificate only creates one
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Advanced Member

318 Posts

Posted - 08/28/2018 :  20:25:35  
A customer added a gift certificate to their cart, then increased the quantity to 2 and completed checkout. They were charged for two, but only one was created and emailed to them.
Something that can be fixed?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 08/28/2018 :  23:58:12  

I see what you mean but I also think buying 2 gift certificates wouldn't be normal either - I mean they would have to be for the same amount, using the same receipt email and the same message - as that is all the same the normal behavior would be to purchase one at the correct value - isn't that how you see it?


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Advanced Member

318 Posts

Posted - 08/29/2018 :  12:29:34  
The customer was buying them as prizes for a tournament, so did indeed want them to be the same. Except, obviously, the codes.
It's not necessarily something the website has to do, but then just don't let the customer increase the quantity.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 08/29/2018 :  13:28:17  
As a solution for this customer it might best to create a new gift certificate manually.


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Advanced Member

318 Posts

Posted - 08/29/2018 :  13:30:49  
Yes, for this one I already cloned the one that was made and sent them the new code.
This is the second time this situation has come up so I thought I would mention it.
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