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 Styling the Categories Dropdown
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Posted - 09/01/2018 :  16:17:43  

I have over 300 categories on my main site. When trying to use the category dropdown in the product admin page the list can be daunting.

Is it possible to style the font color for each level. It would be great to have the top level black, the second level green, third level purple etc., for example.

Also I would like to tighten up the list spacing a little.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 09/01/2018 :  23:27:37  

I don't think you would be able to style them separately as there is no separate css classes to hook into.

Do you mean you want less vertical spacing in the admin categories page listing?


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Posted - 09/02/2018 :  13:04:07  

Yes more vertical space in the listing.

Should I add a request for CSS Classes for the admin categories page listing in the suggestions forum? I think it would
be a big help.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2018 :  13:56:20  
Sure, feel free to add any suggestions here


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2018 :  14:18:46  
I have a ton of categories, so this interests me.
I searched around for css to target by attributes. I found a handful of pages and this one is pretty good

I opened up my ectadmincustom.css file and got this to work

select > option[value="258"] {
color: red;
background: yellow;

Where "258" is the category I targeted.
If you right click on the category drop down and select "inspect element" you will see these values there.

The thing is, I could not resize the text for that line, and I could not add padding there. But the change of color and highlight is quite helpful for finding the categories you hit the most.

If you do not already have a ectadmincustom.css in your admin, you can create one to add your custom .css
That is, as long as you are on a recent version of the cart.

Also important to note, in the admin when viewing the product details, yuo can type the first letter of the category to "jump" to that letter.
At least that works for me in firefox.

Edited by - dbdave on 09/02/2018 14:35:16

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Posted - 09/02/2018 :  15:14:24  

That works great! It may take a little while to go thru all the categories, but I can custom color them the way I want.

Also, font-weight works also. Thanks!

I have another challenge along the same topic.........

on the view order page, in the shipping section, I want to be able to style the shipping method by type.

For example,
if 1 day overnight - style as red and bold
if 2 day - Style as blue and bold
if ground - no additional styling.

This way, special shipping stands out on the page so my people will not miss it when processing orders.

Advanced Member

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Posted - 09/02/2018 :  16:27:46  
I found a small glitch, I have a category number 4 that also colors the order status dropdown for option 4 and the payment method option 4.

Is there a way to limit it to [Select name ="scat"] - just the categories dropdown.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2018 :  17:06:47  
Initially I was testing with

select[name="scat"] > option[value="258"] {
color: red;
background: yellow;

but it did not seem to work.
Although to be honest, I did not spend a lot of time on it.
It should work, can you give it a try?

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Posted - 09/02/2018 :  19:51:36  
Works great - Thanks
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