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 ASP (Windows server) versions Funds Capture
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Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 09/03/2018 :  11:22:03  
I have my AIM set up to capture all funds at the time of purchase. Now I am thinking about just authorizing the credit card at the time of purchase and then charging the credit card for the full amount when the order ships.

What are the set up instructions for doing this? I assume that I need to set this up in my account.? Is this what the Funds Capture feature is for in ECT order detail admin?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 09/03/2018 :  11:26:17  

I would think carefully about why you want it to capture later but that is what you can do in the admin order page. I assume you would also need to set to Capture later in your admin.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 09/03/2018 :  13:00:32  
Thanks Andy. I'll set it up in my account and then use the Funds Capture to capture the full amount at shipping.

I have found lately that more and more customers expect their orders the next day (same day even), regardless of what type of shipping they select. A recent customer did not want to wait for shipping so they contacted me 2 days later asking where their order was. I gave them the UPS tracking number and the date the order was to be delivered. Regardless of this information, they immediately called their credit card company and filed a chargeback on the order and refused the UPS delivery. I lost the money for the product as well as for shipping both ways. I had even provided them with free shipping when they placed the order..unbelievable.

A few months ago I received an order early in the morning. The same afternoon the customer called and asked why they hadn't received their order yet. It is extremely tough being a small company and trying to compete with big companies like Amazon, ect. Everyone expects their product the next day, or sooner. I'm trying hard but I'm not quite that fast.

Anyway, that is why I am thinking of just authorizing the customers credit card at the time of purchase and then charging the full amount at the time of shipping. I don't want anymore chargebacks from customer not wanting to wait a few days for their order to arrive..heaven forbid.
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