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Ecommerce Template Expert

918 Posts

Posted - 10/11/2018 :  14:50:51  
Our client had an order placed by a regular with a shopping cart account, but the order did show the alternative shipping address he said he entered.

I talked to him about details surrounding the order and he said he may have entered the card # wrong the first time, then he corrected it and it went through fine ... he also said that his cart account had the correct alternate shipping address in there, which proved he entered the correct shipping address since the one order was the only one going to that particular address.

He asked how that alternate shipping address - which DOES appear in his account - get into his account, and the fact that it was there proved it was on the order, but ALL of his 3 orders shipped to his billing address without an alternate shipping address.

So I guess the question is how did that alternate shipping address get into his account? He had 3 orders in his history, all shipping to the billing address.

Sorry to be a pain, but I told him I'd look into it.


Tim Gorski

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/11/2018 :  14:59:18  
Any address entered during checkout, if the client is logged in, will be saved to the client account. I am quite certain that's how it works.
Customers can also add and remove addresses in their account management.

Ecommerce Template Expert

918 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2018 :  11:32:34  
Thanks, Dave ... is the addition to their account management time-stamped so we can tell if the shipping address was added before or after the order was placed?

Tim Gorski

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2018 :  11:39:49  
No, but it just sounds like the first time, the customer entered the alternate address (then saved) but went back to the cart and when proceeding back to checkout, forgot to select the alternate shipping address.

I wouldn't worry unless you can duplicate some problem, it sounds like a customer issue.

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