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Posted - 10/27/2018 :  04:27:50  
Now I want to add the quantity boxes to the product and product detail pages, which I've done. But they don't look very good and I need to format them, I assume using the style sheet. I don't find the styling for the Product page quantity box shown anywhere and the styling for the Detail page doesn't seem to work. Also, I uploaded the arrow images to the images folder, but they aren't showing. How do I make the word "Quantity" show up on the Product page with the font size as .09em, make the font size inside the box smaller (to .09em), format the font size of the number inside the box on the Detail page (also .09em), align the text with the box, and have the up/down arrows show? This is an important element on the site that needs to work and look good.
Thanks very much

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2018 :  05:15:15  

First of all I would decide which format to display


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Posted - 10/27/2018 :  05:31:03  
OK. I did that ... chose option 1, then option 2 ... and nothing changed. (That was because there way a typo. I fixed it and this did work.)
Please look at it at ouiknit(dot)com ... choose any product.
I have changed the size of the box thinking it might control the size of the number, but it did not.

Edited by - skshannon on 10/27/2018 05:32:42

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2018 :  06:01:13  
Can you remove this from style3.css

border:1px solid #ccc;

add this

.prodquantity1div{font-size:0.9em !important}

Is that what you wanted?


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Posted - 10/27/2018 :  06:18:38  
On the products page:
- removed the up/down arrows, which is not a big deal and I'm not too concerned with it.
- I would like to add the word "Quantity" in front of the box, aligned nicely with it
- I would like to make the box a bit smaller
- It did make the font size smaller, which is a step in the right direction

On the detail page:
- removed the up/down arrows, which is not a big deal and I'm not too concerned with it.
- other than that, nothing changed
--Number is still large, box is still big, text and box are not aligned.

Onward, ever onward, through the fog ... it's a start.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2018 :  06:25:05  
For the detail page that would be

font-size:0.9em !important

The chnage the margin-top here

font-size: .9em;

and here



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Posted - 10/27/2018 :  06:43:31  
On the detail page:
- I would like a space after the word "Quantity" (is that on the language page?)
- I would like the box to be a bit smaller

Nothing changed on the products page and I really do need the word "Quantity" to be there.

Each step is one in the right direction.
thx again

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2018 :  06:56:53  
I would use soemthing liek thisd


I think you have a global input setting messing with the height there but can't see it right now.


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Posted - 10/27/2018 :  07:08:08  
That put the space in, which is great.
Now I need to make the outlined box a bit smaller, get the word "Quantity: " onto the products page and make that box a bit smaller too so they're both on the same line.

So far, we're doing great ... or maybe it's just you? I don't know.
One thing I can say for myself is that I follow instructions well ... LOL!

I'm not sure what a "global input setting" is. If I did, I'd help look for the offender.

Edited by - skshannon on 10/27/2018 07:10:19

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Posted - 10/27/2018 :  11:48:09  
Can we finish this up please?
You were being so helpful, then it just stopped, and I really do need to get this function in good working order.
Most important is that I need the word "Quantity: " on the products page, with a smaller box that aligns with the word.
Ditto on the smaller box on the Detail page.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2018 :  12:33:04  
There's a css conflict, probably caused by a line-height setting somewhere in your css files. There's a lot to go through to find the culprit as it's not the store css but the theme css.


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Posted - 10/27/2018 :  12:41:27  
Ok ... thanks.
Let me wade through that style sheet to see if I can figure it out.
What about getting the word "Quantity: " onto the products page?
That's kind of important to me actually.

I'll be fine with the boxes a little bigger than I want them. It shouldn't be this hard, but it is and sometimes we just have to settle. I do need "Quantity: " on the products page though. Without it, it isn't very intuitive as to what that number in a box is for.
thx again

Edited by - skshannon on 10/27/2018 13:03:00

Advanced Member

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Posted - 10/27/2018 :  15:01:58  
Is it really difficult to get "Quantity: " onto the product page in front of the box?
It's pretty important and I don't want to settle for what's there now.
Please? This is something that should be there already; not special to my site. I imagine anyone who uses these boxes would want it.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2018 :  01:26:51  
I'm not sure the text is available to display on the products page with the css layout to be honest.

For the display add this to your css file

input.quantity1input{padding:0px 4px !important;}
div.prodquantity1div{line-height:1em !important}

and the conflict is caused by

#content p, #content ul, #content ol, .widget-container, .widget-container a, table, table td, .ppbox , .navigation, #content dt, #content dd, #content {

which I think may be set in your custom css

That will have knock on effects if you remove it I would imagine so just try my extra css.


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Posted - 10/28/2018 :  04:30:56  
THANKS a ton Andy. You went way above the call of duty on this one and I truly appreciate it.
What I've decided to do is remove the quantity box completely from the Products page because, without the word "Quantity" there, it was confusing.
The code you sent regarding the size of the box didn't work, so I'm just going to settle for the larger box and let it go at that. This is now only on the Detail page, which is better than nothing and the customer should be able to figure out what it's for. If not, so be it.

I suggest that you guys work on this feature a bit. It needs to be made more user friendly and format-able for those of us who aren't CSS mavens, which I assume is most of us. It's a handy function and could add much to the over-all functionality of the cart if it worked/looked better upon installation. It's just a suggestion, but I think we both would have had a better day yesterday if it was streamlined.

Thanks again for all your efforts. I'll miss you when my support time runs out next month! You've been a blessing and I don't think I could have done it without the help from you and your partners.
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