Ecommerce Template Expert
974 Posts |
Posted - 11/13/2018 : 04:38:51
After turning on Stripe in Admin, I noticed that the popup box was prompting customers to enter their Billing Address, and my logo image was not displaying. After contacting Stripe support, I learned that the code needs to be tweaked a little. Here is the response from Stripe support: (sry it is so jumbled, that is the way they sent it to me)
"If you're a developer, or have a developer do this for you, you can integrate the image file by putting a code for data-image below data description, which will look like this:
data-name="USA Fleet Supply" data-description="1 DOT Professional..." data-image="INSERT URL OF IMAGE HERE"
You can also remove the option to have your customer input their address on the checkout box by inputting the "data-locale" , and "data-zip-code" as false. All in all, your codes would look like this:
<form action="your-server-side-code" method="POST"> <script src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" class="stripe-button" data-key="pk_test_*****************" data-amount="amount in USD" data-name="USA Fleet Supply" data-description="1 DOT Professional..." data-image="INSERT URL OF IMAGE HERE" data-locale="false" data-zip-code="false"> </script> </form>
Just a friendly heads up that any details which passes through this checkout box passes through our fraud prevention tool, Radar. Therefore, removing the ability to input address and ZIP code may be a risk for fraud."
I suppose I can edit this on my end, but not sure exactly where to find this..?
Edited by - 1234 on 11/13/2018 04:39:08
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 11/13/2018 : 04:47:03
Hi Did you complete this bit in the help file quote: To add your own image or logo to the checkout pop up, make a graphic 128px x 128px, save it as 128x128.png and then upload to the root of your site.
https://www.ecommercetemplates.com/help/ecommplus/stripe.asp Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
Ecommerce Template Expert
974 Posts |
Posted - 11/13/2018 : 04:52:08
Yes I completed all the tasks associated with connection. Stripe isn't receiving the correct code, therefore the image isn't showing and the popup box prompts the customers billing address immediately after submitting their billing address on my website.
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 11/13/2018 : 05:36:02
Ecommerce Template Expert
974 Posts |
Posted - 11/13/2018 : 05:38:48
I'm using 6.9.4 Premium Responsive Styles
Advanced Member
United Kingdom
434 Posts |
Posted - 11/20/2018 : 07:00:46
Hi, just wondering if this got resolved, as I'm thinking of implementing Stripe as well. Should I hold off or is it working OK? It'll be a PHP setup though, if that makes any difference. Thank you Ellen
Edited by - EllenD on 11/20/2018 07:01:42
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 11/20/2018 : 07:05:51
Ecommerce Template Expert
974 Posts |
Posted - 11/20/2018 : 07:43:50
I have been using Stripe without the logo image and the billing address prompt without any problems. It still works fine...
Advanced Member
United Kingdom
434 Posts |
Posted - 11/20/2018 : 09:31:53
Great, thanks for the info Andy & 1234 Does this setup mean the customer has to input their address twice then? If so, is there any plan to remedy this?
Ecommerce Template Expert
974 Posts |
Posted - 11/20/2018 : 11:34:56
I am not sure if a fix is in progress for this issue or not, Andy can shed a little more light on that.
If there is a fix in progress for this, you may wish to wait until it is complete. Stripe suggests that editing the billing address input (after using it the way it is currently) will pass through their fraud prevention tool and cause a fraud risk. I'm sure it can easily be explained if it does happen, but it will certainly save some trouble in the long run by simply waiting for a fix.
Advanced Member
United Kingdom
434 Posts |
Posted - 11/21/2018 : 00:50:52
OK thank you, it sounds like a fix/amend would be good and I will wait for that. Andy, any plans? Stripe seems one of the best value UK card payment providers, so it would be great to have good support in ECT for that.
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 11/21/2018 : 03:41:55
The logo isn't such a big deal really as the Stripe pop up appears on your cart page, it's not like you're being taken to a whitelabelled page or anything like that. Having said that it's something we can look into. [quote]Therefore, removing the ability to input address and ZIP code may be a risk for fraud./quote] That is maybe a bit more concerning. Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
Advanced Member
United Kingdom
434 Posts |
Posted - 11/22/2018 : 03:14:41
OK thanks all for the input, if/when the Stripe integration is updated, please post back and I'll hold off for now