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 Using Paypal payments Updater 6.9.4
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 11/22/2018 :  14:12:02  
Have the whole thing working up to the payment point!

Unfortunately not having much luck in getting it to work with PayPal Standard.

When entering the PayPal data for PayPal Payments Standard its asking for
Email address : Which email address is this the API Username given by PayPal (below)?
Identity Token Think I undersand that

Suspect I'm probably way off track here. On the PayPal buisness site to get the credentials

From the PayPal Buisness set up menu
Option A Work with a partner that's already integrated with PayPal
Then Setup API access->NVP/Soap API integration.

Which then gives four sets of data:
Merchant account ID
API Username
API Password

How does this go into the admin payment section or doesn't it - probably it's a lot simpler but can't make sense of it.
Even read the help muliple times, but it doesn't seem to matchup.

There also seems to be an options under Set up other payments for Capture card (heaven its back!), but unfortunatly it crashes out with
error '80020009'
/shop/shop/vsadmin/inc/incpayprov.asp, line 281

Any ideas?


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 11/22/2018 :  14:48:24  
Hi, see if this will get you on track

Starting Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 11/22/2018 :  17:16:10  

Thanls for the link - Unfortunately hasn't helped!

Have the PayPal express payments working - so know the PayPal business account is working ok
Its not clear what in the PayPal Standard Email address field is ( example in link

Is it the log in address to PayPal
the one generated by PayPal for the account?

Note: Might help others!
The ET help instruction are on how to do some things don't quite match up or least from the UK
Looks as though PayPal have renamed things(!). The 'Profile tab' is now the top right gear and then 'My sellng preferences'.
At first glance this looks more like just profile information - but the technical stuff is there as well.


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 11/22/2018 :  19:47:45  
The email address should be the paypal email address where you receive funds.
Paypal uses email addresses to send funds to each other, so that's what you use there.
So basically it should be your paypal email login.

Starting Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 11/23/2018 :  14:39:33  
Definitely using the correct email address, 'express' PayPal is fine, its the Paypal standard that is not working.

The error occurs when EWT calls

PayPal responds with
"Error Processing Payment
This transaction can't be processed. Please pay with another card."

At this stage no card has been entered - only the customer details in ECT
So the message makes no sense - Its as though its calling a service where the credit card details need to be entered locally on the store or some data is missing.

If you back browse from the error page to where customer enters details , the county field (as in "Hampshire") has been cleared.
Is it possible all required data is not being passed to PayPal?

For information - Paypal is missing a link to the ECT integration guide

But you are on the partner list!


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/23/2018 :  23:47:12  
Hi Brian

Can you confirm you are testing in live mode and not in the sandbox (demo mode)? If you are testing in the sandbox I would try a live order and refund.


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United Kingdom
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Posted - 11/24/2018 :  15:39:54  
Hi Andy,

Yes in Live mode.
Enabled is ticked, Sandbox is unticked.

At the PayPal end everything is set up, bank accounts etc., and its a live account not demo
The PayPal express is working ok and can receive payments.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/25/2018 :  00:01:09  
Would you like to send me an email with your control panel details and I'll take a look at the set up for you?


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Starting Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 11/25/2018 :  05:12:48  
Hi Andy

Thanks - will do.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/25/2018 :  07:34:29  
I changed "authorization" to "sale" in the PayPal admin page. Does that work better now?


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Starting Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 11/25/2018 :  08:35:15  
Hi Andy

Unfortunately no change.
At least I am not doing something too obviously silly :)

Its calling the PayPal API which then responds at

"Error Processing payment
This transaction can't be processed. Please pay with another card."

i.e. same as before

Tried with a US customer address (just in case), when you back browse all data is lost from session which doesn't seem right (and a bit frustrating for user). for the UK just the county field is lost, is data being lost and not sent to Paypal?

The actual shop is not live (the web site is), if you want to add your own PayPal test credential please feel free to try.
Web hosting service is from 1&1


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/25/2018 :  09:29:40  
As it's 1&1 I wonder if it's a TLS1.2 issue. I'll do some testing.


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ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2018 :  00:14:30  
I don't think it is a TLS issue but I've sent you an email.


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