Posted - 12/12/2018 : 07:23:20
My idea;
Shopping cart: Step 1 has a shipping estimator. The "Best Rate Using"displays the lowest cost shipping carrier. Step 3 has the shipping carrier selection
Mod Step 3 Code an IF statement for FSA coupon code to display the lowest cost shipping carrier. (Same code thats already in place in Step 1). I am not a coder and it will prob take me 10 years to figure out.
So far I think this is Step 1
[code]if xxEstimatorEnd<>"" AND checkoutmode<>"savedcart" then print "<div class=""cartestimatorend"">"&xxEstimatorEnd&"</div>" print "</div>" print "<div class=""carttotals"">" ' { print "<div class=""cartsubtotal_cntnr""><div class=""cartsubtotaltext"">" & xxSubTot & "</div><div class=""cartsubtotal"">" & FormatEuroCurrency(totalgoods) & "</div></div>" & vbCrLf if estimateshipping then print "<div class=""shippingtotal_cntnr"" id=""shippingtotal_cntnr"""&IIfVs(errormsg<>""," style=""display:none""")&"><div class=""shippingtotaltext"">" & IIfVr(handling=0 OR errormsg<>"",xxShpEst,xxShHaEs) & "</div><div class=""shippingtotal"" id=""estimatorspan"">" if errormsg<>"" then print errormsg elseif freeshipamnt=(shipping+handling) then print xxFree else print FormatEuroCurrency((shipping+handling)-freeshipamnt) end if print "</div></div>" end if[/code]
Step 3 [code]<% if shipType=0 then combineshippinghandling=FALSE if shipType<>0 then if currShipType="" then currShipType=shipType doshowlogo=(NOT ((shipType=1 OR shipType=2 OR shipType=5) AND shippinglogo="" AND adminAltRates=0)) %> <div class="cart3row"> <div class="cobhl cobhl3"><%=IIfVr(combineshippinghandling, xxShipHa, xxShippg)%></div> <div class="cobll cobll3"><% print "<div class=""shipoptionstable"" id=""shipoptionstable""><div class=""shiptableline""><div class=""shiptablelogo"">" & getshiplogo(currShipType) & "</div><div class=""shiptablerates" & IIfVs(NOT success," ectwarning") & """>" if NOT success then print errormsg else if shipType<>0 OR (shipping-freeshipamnt)<>0 OR willpickup_ then if NOT multipleoptions then print FormatEuroCurrency((cdbl(shipping)+IIfVr(combineshippinghandling=TRUE, handling, 0))-freeshipamnt) & IIfVr(shipMethod<>""," - " & shipMethod,"") else showshippingselect() end if end if print "</div></div></div>" %> </div> </div> <% end if[/code]
Edited by - schreck on 12/13/2018 06:40:48