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 Second Store URL and Invoices
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Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 12/01/2018 :  19:45:42  
I have set up a second store URL for a client, but what do you do about the order/invoice emails? How do you change them to reflect the second store but still maintain the originals for the first store? Thanks in advance.

CENLYT Productions - ms designs
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ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2018 :  00:44:19  
Hi Marshall

It uses the same database so the invoice email would be the same as the main settings. I think to do what you want you would need a second database.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2018 :  05:21:35  
I thought so. Maybe you should add that option. You have orstoreurl in the includes, why not orstoreinvoice where you can put the information like the "old" days.

CENLYT Productions - ms designs
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Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2018 :  06:35:12  
If each store had its own vsadmin folder and the headers and footer were not defined in the database, would it pull the information from the includes.php file like it use to?

CENLYT Productions - ms designs
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ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2018 :  00:04:03  
The thing is the header and footer details are stored in the database so the includes file can't be used any more for invoice content.


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ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2018 :  02:48:34  
Looking at the database it would benefit to have extra fields for the order/invoice emails so they could be used with a second store as per the other fields in the emailmessages table.
For example invoiceheader2, invoiceheader3, invoiceaddress2, invoiceaddress3 etc with a switch parameter in the includes

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Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2018 :  07:14:34  
The thing is the header and footer details are stored in the database so the includes file can't be used any more for invoice content.
But if those fields were blank in the store admin, would it pull from the includes.php/asp file?

CENLYT Productions - ms designs
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ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2018 :  07:23:09  
I've not looked but I don't think that's the case.
The updatestore.php script moves the data from the includes.php to the fields in the database when you run it so I'm assuming the call will be to the database fields and no longer call the parameters in the includes.php file

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Edited by - Phil on 12/03/2018 07:24:28
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