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 Need a processor for my paraphernalia site
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Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 01/15/2019 :  10:11:28  
Hi folks,

reference my ecommerce template site I do not sell dried herbs, but rather I sell glassware, vapes, nails, storage, harvest supplies.

I'm finding out that unless I sign on with a "high risk" processor and pay exorbitant fees, I need a specialized checkout process that collects a routing number and a bank account number to process an eCheck.

I seem to recall my other sites at one time having this capability, but can't recall if I took the info over the phone and processed through, or if the back end (cart) for the site took the info.

Bottom line, if I land a processor (I have talked with a processor that does this for dispensaries), does my site have the ability to only accept transactions wherein the client puts in their bank routing number and account number to process a sale? No paypal, no credit card, no debit card.

Thanks so much.

Evolution Weed sells Toking tools, herb grinders, Titanium eNails and 420 storage.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2019 :  10:15:20  

You could use "email" as the payment choice and then add extra checkout fields for the info you require


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New Member

58 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 01/15/2019 :  11:11:52  

Is the sequence at checkout, that I collect the typical name, address, phone number, then once they choose "email" a form pops up that I configure for them to fill in the blanks for the bank information, that I then manually carryover to the user interface for the processor?

Was hoping there was a slick way that they would checkout, provide the bank details which would pre-populate the fields in the processor (just like a credit card or pay pal payment does). Is that possible?

Evolution Weed sells Toking tools, herb grinders, Titanium eNails and 420 storage.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2019 :  11:26:20  
There's not a feature to collect that information automatically unless you got a developer to take a look at it for you.


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