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Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1283 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2019 :  04:42:54  

I recently updated to 7.0.3 and it's all good apart from I'm afraid I really don't like the new printable invoice layout.

I understand that it can be put back to something close to how it was using css, which would be fine if I understood css. Unfortunately I don't, but luckily I have managed to pick up some code from another thread and I have the layout almost back to how I want it.

I'd really like to remove the space that appears above the address, additional details, shipping etc (i.e. the space between the heading and the actual information). Can someone please advise me what I need to add to my etccustomadmin.css file in order to do that?

Also, while I'm at it. Where is a good place to start learning css coding? It seems like I am going to need it more and more in the future! Thanks


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2019 :  04:47:40  
Hi Gemma

If you've already found some code I assume you are using ectadmincustom.css

If so, add this to tighten up that spacing

.colheading h2{margin:0px;padding:0px}

This is a good place to start for css tutorials


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Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1283 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2019 :  04:53:57  
Thanks Andy, that has done the trick.

Yes I got as far as creating the custom file, and managed to find some code that someone else who was trying to do the same thing had already posted. I just needed that little tweak. I really do need to learn this stuff for myself though so I'll take a look at the link. Thank you :)

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2019 :  04:55:20  
This may help too


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Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1283 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2019 :  05:18:17  
That looks great thank you. I will definitely spend some time with that.

I just have one more question which is hopefully a quick fix and then I will have a play around and see what I can do by myself ;)

In the additional details box, I have the 'How did you hear about us?' set up as an extra checkout field. I don't need that on invoices, so how would I remove it?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2019 :  06:35:44  
Sorry, missed the additional question I believe that would be



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