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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/19/2020 :  13:03:00  
Hi Steve, Be sure to put that web.config file back so it shows a generic error. Bad people can sometimes get useful information to do bad things with those detailed error messages.

What I do is have 2 versions of web.config on the server.
One is the normal one that will show the 500 (or a friendly error/page)
Then, I have one that is for showing the actual detailed error.

When I need to see an error detail, I rename the web.config to web.config.working
then I take the .errors off the other one, run the page, get my error, then put things back the way they are.
I hope that helps.


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Posted - 05/20/2020 :  04:13:38  
Vince, I'm getting ready to do the update, but I don't understand "copy the incart.asp script" mention. I figured this would be a normal application of updaters.


ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 05/20/2020 :  04:45:02  
Hi Steve,
Thanks for getting us the details of the error there and I've fixed it now and added the fix to the updater.

Just apply the updater as normal, the fix has been added to it.

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Posted - 05/20/2020 :  08:12:29  
Vince, I took it literally and uploaded only incart.asp to the /inc folder. It seems to work fine - if I have any issues I'll do the entire update.

David, I took your suggestion and went back to the simpler web.config that contains only the following line for error checking:
<httpErrors errorMode="DetailedLocalOnly" />
But I have the more detailed one and can swap them out as you instructed if need be.

Thank you all very much,

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 05/20/2020 :  08:31:47  
...went back to the simpler web.config that contains only the following line for error checking:
<httpErrors errorMode="DetailedLocalOnly" />
But I have the more detailed one and can swap them out as you instructed if need be.

That sounds fine. If you want to display errors temporarily you can edit that to read
<httpErrors errorMode="Detailed" />
and that will do it. You don't need all that other stuff in the other web.config version, which isn't going to do anything for you. But better to find where your log files are at, then you don't need to edit anything at all which means you can't break the site as happened here, or forget to change it back afterward, which is why I put that forward as the first solution.


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New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2020 :  06:59:07  
Can anybody help with suggesting what do I need to do to move the ECT site to a different domain?
I have a ECT site working fine on:

This domain is in the
/httpdocs directory of the main site, so..
Home directory
I have the DB at, and change db_conn_open.asp to:
sDSN = ..........;Data Source=D:\Inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\fpdb\vsproducts.mdb;"

So now I need to move the ECT store to a different domain, hosted on the same server:
Home directory
I have the DB at, and change db_conn_open.asp to:
sDSN = ...........;Data Source=D:\Inetpub\vhosts\\\fpdb\vsproducts.mdb;"

Now the cart.asp does not run, and login will not work.

Is there something I can change in a ECT page, to get this to work?

I try to trick the DB by changing the HTTPS Store URL while in the working site, to the URL of the new site, then copy that DB to the new site.

But still no luck.

A month ago I had endless problems to get the ECT to work, so I am trying not to spend days on this.
Peter got the site working just fine, but I need to move it to another hoster, unfortunately.

Any help appreciated.


42874 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2020 :  08:35:44  
A month ago I had endless problems to get the ECT to work, so I am trying not to spend days on this.
Peter got the site working just fine, but I need to move it to another hoster, unfortunately.
Do I understand this correctly that you had problems on your hosting platform and moving to sorted the problems out. But now you are moving to another (maybe the original) hosting platform and you have problems again? Would it maybe be an idea to stay where you are on servelink if that's the case?


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New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2020 :  09:21:59  
Yes, it would seem logical to stay with servelink, but I have other hosting accounts, paid 3 years in advance.
So the initial problems started when I moved from a previous company that had a crashed server, so I signed up with another, not realizing it would be that difficult to get going.
Yes, things were easily sorted out by Peter, but I don't think there is a requirement that servelink is the only server that can work.

As easy and helpful as Peter was, I believe ECT may be able to help me get this working now, given it is working on a test domain, (different from servelink), but I need
to move it to the domain that has the company name.

I apologize if tis sounds ungrateful, but money is money.

It would seem it has something to do with the directory of the cart, so I hope some basic advise can get this working.


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