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 Stock Control with Alt Prod ID and Options
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Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1110 Posts

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Posted - 03/02/2019 :  05:48:12  

I have been setting up stock control which is all working fine on products that have a basic product option selected.
These products have the stock set on the product rather than being set by options which is fine for these.

The issue I am having is on the products that use an Alt Prod ID along with options on the base product.

I have my base product which has two Alt ID's and one product option selected. The stock is set to by options.
The product option assigned to this product has two Options / Values and each of these values has a dependent option.

These dependent options have stock levels entered.

My question is how do I get these dependent stock levels to to show on my top level option because currently the top level option shows 0 meaning the add to cart triggers the out of stock alert.

When I change the first option that's assigned to the base product I can see the stock levels on it's dependent option and they are correct.

The problem is I cannot set the stock to be by product options on the hidden alt products because I am not assigning a product option to it as I am using dependent options on the base product option.

Please could you let me know if this is possible and if so what I am missing?

We are currently using PHP v6.9.4


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/02/2019 :  06:35:05  
Hi David

When using the alt prod I'd feature, the stock should be set on the hidden product.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1110 Posts

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Posted - 03/02/2019 :  07:05:31  
Hi Andy,

I originally had the stock set on the hidden products which worked fine until I added the dependent options to the option on the base product because I found I had to add stock to them too.

What I am trying to do is set the stock on the dependent options so the sum of the dependents show on the hidden product parent option.

If I have an option for large and small widgets with dependent options for blue and red widgets on each I can enter stock levels for the blue and red but they do not show on the main option set on the hidden product.

So this is what I see in the options when I view the product.

Large Widget (0)

Large Red Widget (2)
Large Blue Widget (4)

The stock of 2 and 4 are set on the dependent options but the only way I can get the add to cart button to allow a purchase is to also add stock to the Large Widget.

How would I get it to add the 2 and 4 together and apply to the Large Widget parent option automatically?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/02/2019 :  07:53:36  
I can't see a way around that, as you say the large widget would need to have stock.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1110 Posts

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Posted - 03/02/2019 :  08:01:18  
Hi Andy,

Thanks for letting me know. That would explain why I couldn't get it working.

As a work around I'll add loads of stock to the dependent options and hide the stock levels.
I just need to remember to keep and eye on the parent option stock level.

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