Jan Andrea
Advanced Member
468 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/08/2019 : 15:25:47
Hi! I just recovered my site from catastrophe but there were some casualties.
The includes.php file had some extra stuff at the bottom and I don't know where it came from, including a call to include parameters.php -- no idea why that was there, but I've removed it and it seems better? This is what it looked like, and I think that include broke the whole site. I've been working with the same includes.php for many, many versions, and it's likely this was old stuff that's no longer valid? [code]// =================================================================== // Please do not edit anything below this line // =================================================================== include("inc/parameters.php"); $maintablebg=""; $innertablebg=""; $maintablewidth="99%"; $innertablewidth="100%"; $maintablespacing="0"; $innertablespacing="0"; $maintablepadding="9"; $innertablepadding="4"; $headeralign="left";
error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
define("maxprodopts",50); define("helpbaseurl","https://www.ecommercetemplates.com/phphelp/ecommplus/"); [/code] Anyway, I deleted that and the site worked again.
However, my issue now is that the proddetail.php pages now have this warning: [quote]Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/jan_andrea/sleepingbaby.net/metatop.php:1) in /home/jan_andrea/sleepingbaby.net/vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.php on line 1674[/quote]
(metatop.php is just a file that includes the header stuff; in order not to have to reupload my whole site, it's built dynamically with the code split into a few files for ease of updates. The code is the same as in the template files, though.) I'm not sure what's up with the warning, though. And the formatting on the product pages is all wonky; emailfriend and ask a question no longer display text (though the spots are clickable), and the inventory count is weirdly spaced. You can see all that at https://www.sleepingbaby.net/proddetail.php?prod=avlinen for example.
I'm going to redesign the whole thing anyway, but the ECT css/php stuff will stay largely the same, so I'd love to fix it. I'll put my whole includes.php in the next comment for posterity.
http://www.sleepingbaby.net/ Using ECT 7.0.3
Edited by - Jan Andrea on 03/08/2019 18:26:01
Jan Andrea
Advanced Member
468 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/08/2019 : 15:28:45
[code]<?php // =================================================================== // For a description of these parameters and their useage, please open the following URL in your browser // https://www.ecommercetemplates.com/phphelp/ecommplus/parameters.asp $adminencoding="utf-8"; $verifyemail=TRUE; $imgonorderdetails=1; $imgonthankspage=TRUE; $imgbuybutton="images/buy.gif"; $magictoolbox="MagicZoomPlus"; $forcedetailslink=TRUE; $giantimageinpopup=TRUE; $nopadsscompliance=TRUE; $usefirstlastname=TRUE; $estimateshipping=TRUE; $nodefaultzip=true; $taxShipping=0; $pagebarattop=0; $useemailfriend=false; $enablecustomerratings=TRUE; $ratingsonproductspage=TRUE; $customerratinglength=1024; $numcustomerratings=3; $ratingsonproductspage=TRUE; $detailreviewstarstext='<a href="#reviews">Rating: %totrating%, based on %numratings% reviews</a>'; $onlyclientratings=false; $mobilebrowsercolumns=1; $noprice=FALSE; $expireaffiliate=30; $usecategoryformat=1; $allproductsimage=""; $enableclientlogin=true; $allowclientregistration=true; $shippingafterproductdiscounts=TRUE; $nopreviousnextlinks=TRUE; $actionaftercart=4; $crosssellaction='related'; $alwaysemailstatus=false; $noconfirmationemail=TRUE; $requirecvv=TRUE; $noshowdiscounts=TRUE; $emailorderstatus=11; $loyaltypoints=1; $loyaltypointvalue=0.05; $loyaltypointsnowholesale=true; $loyaltypointsnopercentdiscount=TRUE; $dateadjust=3; $pagebarattop=1; $ecttabsspecials='%tabs%<ecttab title="Additions" special="related"> <ecttab title="Reviews" special="reviews">'; $termsandconditions=TRUE; $noproductoptions=TRUE; $usestateabbrev=TRUE; $shippingafterproductdiscounts=FALSE; $noproductseparator=TRUE; $linkcartproducts=TRUE; $defaulttrackingcarrier="usps"; $showinstock=true; $nomailinglist=TRUE; $emailfromname="sleeping baby productions llc"; $useaskaquestion=TRUE; $noshowoutofstock=TRUE; $imgprevimg="images/leftimage.gif"; $imgnextimg="images/rightimage.gif"; $imgdetailprevimg="images/leftimage.gif"; $imgdetailnextimg="images/rightimage.gif"; $htmlemails=TRUE; $orderstatussubject = "News about your sleeping baby productions order"; $multipurchasecolumns=2; $useaddressline2=true; $cartrefreshseconds=0; $usecategoryname=TRUE; $eSubject="SBP sling order?"; $thankspagecontinue="https://www.sleepingbaby.net/index.php"; $useimageincart=TRUE; $recentlyviewed=TRUE; $cartpageonhttps=TRUE; $notifybackinstock=true; $quantityupdown=2; $optionnameaspleaseselect=TRUE; $filterpricebands=25; $usecsslayout=TRUE; $detailpagelayout='navigation, productname, reviewstars, description, emailfriend, productimage, options, instock, quantity, listprice, price, addtocart, checkoutbutton, previousnext,'; $productpagelayout='productimage, productname, description, price,'; $usemailer='phpmailer'; $smtphost='mail.sleepingbaby.net'; $smtpusername='myemail'; $smtppassword='mypassword'; $persistentcart=1; $detailnameh1=TRUE; $socialmediabuttons="askaquestion,emailfriend,facebook,pinterest"; $clientloginref1="/educators.php"; $nowholesalediscounts=TRUE;[/code]
http://www.sleepingbaby.net/ Using ECT 7.0.3
Edited by - Jan Andrea on 03/08/2019 15:29:22
Jan Andrea
Advanced Member
468 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/08/2019 : 15:30:26
Oh, also, "add to cart" stopped working, but I remember that happened before and I need to just find that thread.
http://www.sleepingbaby.net/ Using ECT 7.0.3
Jan Andrea
Advanced Member
468 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/08/2019 : 15:34:57
Ok, hm, I fixed that (the script was mysteriously gone from my pages, though it was there before???) but there's a lot of text missing. Like, "continue shopping" and "checkout" aren't visible as text.
http://www.sleepingbaby.net/ Using ECT 7.0.3
Jan Andrea
Advanced Member
468 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/08/2019 : 15:38:34
Pretty much all the important text, in fact.
http://www.sleepingbaby.net/ Using ECT 7.0.3
Jan Andrea
Advanced Member
468 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/08/2019 : 18:25:20
My languagefile_en.php is all $[GLOBALS] but I'm not using WordPress -- is that an issue?
http://www.sleepingbaby.net/ Using ECT 7.0.3
Jan Andrea
Advanced Member
468 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/08/2019 : 18:36:49
I think this is a CSS issue, but I haven't changed anything with the CSS. Any ideas?
http://www.sleepingbaby.net/ Using ECT 7.0.3
Jan Andrea
Advanced Member
468 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/08/2019 : 18:44:24
I fixed it!
There was a line missing in the initial PHP includes (include "vsadmin/inc/metainfo.php). I'd never had it in there before, so maybe that was a version change thing? But now all the text is visible again and it's working.
I'm still getting the warning line in Waterfox, but not in Chrome. No idea what that's about. Maybe I'm still pulling a cached version in Waterfox that Chrome has replaced. If anyone should happen to feel like checking on their end and reporting back, I'd be grateful.
I think that fixes it. Thank you for reading my saga, I guess?
http://www.sleepingbaby.net/ Using ECT 7.0.3
Advanced Member
United Kingdom
416 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/08/2019 : 19:13:41
Hi Jan
All seems fine, no warnings showing when I am on your site using Firefox, not tried the other browsers though.
Will - Bolton Manchester UK
Edited by - V45 on 03/08/2019 19:14:16
Jan Andrea
Advanced Member
468 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/08/2019 : 19:19:48
Thanks, Will!
http://www.sleepingbaby.net/ Using ECT 7.0.3
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 03/08/2019 : 23:40:14
Jan Andrea
Advanced Member
468 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/09/2019 : 09:02:27
Thanks, Andy! Any thoughts about what version the weird stuff in includes.php would have been from? Idle curiosity :)
http://www.sleepingbaby.net/ Using ECT 7.0.3
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2019 : 10:06:01
42874 Posts |
Posted - 03/10/2019 : 03:24:44
Ecommerce Template Guru
United Kingdom
1022 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/10/2019 : 05:06:56
Hi Jan,
In safari on an ipad ios 12.1.4 on this page http://www.sleepingbaby.net/proddetail.php?prod=scarf_terra
I’m getting this:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/jan_andrea/sleepingbaby.net/metatop.php:1) in /home/jan_andrea/sleepingbaby.net/vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.php on line 1674
Looks like the same warning is on your other proddetail pages too
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 03/10/2019 : 05:29:32
Advanced Member
United Kingdom
416 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/10/2019 : 06:26:52
Steved wrote [quote]Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/jan_andrea/sleepingbaby.net/metatop.php:1) in /home/jan_andrea/sleepingbaby.net/vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.php on line 1674[/quote]
I see that too & that wasn't showing the other morning when I checked the site. (Windows10 all browsers)
Will - Bolton Manchester UK
Edited by - V45 on 03/10/2019 06:27:58
Jan Andrea
Advanced Member
468 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/10/2019 : 12:16:31
I can't find the duplicate lines :( I've been back and forth and I'm just not seeing them :P
http://www.sleepingbaby.net/ Using ECT 7.0.3
Jan Andrea
Advanced Member
468 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/10/2019 : 12:23:21
Is it the session start? At the top of each page, I have
[code]<?php session_cache_limiter('none'); session_start(); ob_start(); ?>[/code]
and it looks like maybe incfunctions also does that in the lines it's citing?
[code]function getsessionid(){ global $persistentcart; if(is_numeric(@$persistentcart)&&(int)@$persistentcart>0){ if(@$_COOKIE['ectcartcookie']!=''){ return(str_replace("'",'',$_COOKIE['ectcartcookie'])); }else{ $gotunique=FALSE; while(! $gotunique){ $sequence=substr(md5(uniqid('',TRUE).session_id()),0,26); $sSQL="SELECT cartSessionID FROM cart WHERE cartSessionID='" . $sequence . "'"; $result=ect_query($sSQL) or ect_error(); if(ect_num_rows($result)==0) $gotunique=TRUE; ect_free_result($result); } setcookie('ectcartcookie', $sequence, time()+($persistentcart*60*60*24), '/', '', FALSE); return($sequence); } }else return(session_id()); }[/code]
Should I take the session start off the top of each page?
http://www.sleepingbaby.net/ Using ECT 7.0.3
Jan Andrea
Advanced Member
468 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/10/2019 : 12:32:12
These are all the includes:
metatop.php (has all the header meta information, css/js links, and scripts) has this: [code]<?php session_cache_limiter('none'); session_start(); ob_start(); ?>[/code]
left_top.php (creates the top navigation) has this: [code]<?php include "vsadmin/db_conn_open.php"; include "vsadmin/inc/languagefile.php"; include "vsadmin/includes.php"; include "vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.php"; include "vsadmin/inc/metainfo.php"; ?>[/code]
and proddetail.php has these: [code]<?php include('metatop.php'); ?>[/code] [code]<?php include "left_top.php"; include "vsadmin/inc/incproddetail.php"; include "bottom.php" ?> [/code]
http://www.sleepingbaby.net/ Using ECT 7.0.3
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 03/10/2019 : 12:39:30