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 Categories implications of changing "root" status?
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 03/15/2019 :  09:54:19  

I'm closing in on bringing our very old and heavily customised Ecommerce Templates v5.2.5(!!) up to date.

We created our own custom "SEO friendly" links which are nowhere near as clean as the current integrated feature, but as there are a lot of links on Google etc, we've coded a 301 forwarder for products.php, proddetail.php and categories.php in htaccess which works.

However, thanks to the brilliant "product filter", a lot of our old categories are redundant and for most, it is better to show the "all products" page much earlier along with the filter.

I've been changing the status of some higher level categories from "contains categories" to "contains products" to go straight to the product list. Is it ok to leave the existing sub-categories in place and have their products stay assigned?? The reason for doing so is that the old links will still work! (Approx. 25000 products and 2400 categories)

There's a warning on the categories admin page but I'm not clear on the implications.

Thanks in advance for any clarification.


Edited by - davcom1 on 03/15/2019 09:57:06

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2019 :  09:55:32  
Hi David

What is the exact text in the warning?


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Starting Member

United Kingdom
35 Posts

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Posted - 03/15/2019 :  09:59:00  
Andy you are extremely quick at responding!

"At least one of your categories is marked as for products, but categories have been added to it. This may cause you problems and will be shown in red in the "Category Path" column."

If it just makes the admin side a bit messy, we can live with it. I just don't want to break the front-end!



ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2019 :  10:07:18  
I would assume that would cause problems on the front end, displaying products that should be in categories that can contain products ie products.php?cat=... rather than categories than can contain categories which would be categories.php?cat=...

I would certainly check those product and category pages on the front end


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