Just updated our site to the latest version, all seemed good but whilst testing the add to cart and checkout buttons no longer work on any of our product pages? Any help would be very much appreciated, link to product page - https://www.tnsfurniture.co.uk/proddetail.asp?prod=SB1015
Thanks for that, great service as ever, just one other thing when adding to the basket I seem to get a full width box appear at the top of the screen with a picture of the item and a checkout button on the left and an x on the right. How can I modify this not to show? Is it to do with the minicart we use? It looks a bit of a mess the way it works at the moment. Could you just add something to the cart and let me know what you think?
Once again much obliged for the great service!! Time to do some more work to the site after a year or so of neglect!!
It looks like you are using an older version of ectcart.css - can you replace the one you have with ectcart.css from the updater and that should fix the cart display issue.