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 One line minicart in header? Or at top of body?
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Advanced Member

271 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2019 :  08:18:06  
I would also like to add the one-line minicart to my responsive website. I'm using a template in Dreamweaver to control the header, sidebar, and footer content. ECT store version 7.0.4.

I currently have a "View cart or checkout" link in the header so that link is always at the top regardless of what device one is using. Ideally, I'd like the one-line minicart to replace that link in the header. If there is a way to do that, I'm all ears to hear about it.

An acceptable option would be for the minicart to be at the top of the body section on the store asp pages. The way I understand things, the code has to be in the body of the page below the calls to the database, etc. When I do this, the minicart ends up at the bottom of my category, product, or productdetail listings within the body. The minicart needs to be at the top of the body to be useful, so I suspect I'm missing some of the finer points of how to do this.

Are there any code examples I can study to help me understand how this minicart can be implemented in a way that's useful? Many thanks for your suggestions....

Regards, DeeAnna

Classic Bells, Postville, Iowa, USA,

Edited by - DeeAnna on 03/27/2019 08:29:04

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2019 :  08:30:31  
Hi Dee-Anna

What I would do is have the first lines of your pages looking like this

<!--#include file="vsadmin/db_conn_open.asp"-->
<!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/languagefile.asp"-->
<!--#include file="vsadmin/includes.asp"-->
<!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.asp"-->
<!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/metainfo.asp"-->
<!DOCTYPE html>

and then remove instances of those lines that appear further down the code, leaving just the include line that corresponds to the page eg in cart.asp leaving

<!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/inccart.asp"-->


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Advanced Member

271 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2019 :  12:58:06  
Thanks, Andy! You set me straight -- most helpful. --DeeAnna

Classic Bells, Postville, Iowa, USA,
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