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Advanced Member

258 Posts

Posted - 03/29/2019 :  01:43:15  
I have a customer who placed an email order but not paid yet.
However, he received some loyalty points from this unauthorized order,
and then placed a new order(paid by bank transfer) and used the loyalty points which got from the previous order(not paid).

Can the system avoid customers to use loyalty points getting from an unauthorized order?

I set $emailorderstatus=2;


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/29/2019 :  01:54:20  
Hi Sasha

Was the order actually showing as unauthorized in the admin or was it just that they hadn't paid?


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Advanced Member

258 Posts

Posted - 03/29/2019 :  05:12:42  
If the customer choose to paid by bank transfer and place an email order,
this order will be shown as unauthorized (public text is awaiting payment) in admin.

Whether if the customer pay or not, this order will keep being shown as unauthorized,
and the customer can still received loyalty points and even use them in the next order.

Can you please help me avoid this problem?
Thank you!


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/29/2019 :  07:31:47  
If you are using Email as a payment method and the order is authorized, regardless of whether they actually pay or not as that's an internal question, the customer will get loyalty points. In the situation you describe I wouldn't ship the order on the basis of them getting a discount which they probably know shouldn't apply and only ship if they make the payment on that first order.


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