Our site needs a refresh so we thought we would change the detail layout. How can I tell which design we have? I know next to nothing about css - are they all css-designed? Would you point me in the right direction for researching? All I see so far is css layouts - we like #2 on the demo store. Thanks for your help!
The layout numbers only refer to the premium css layouts here https://www.ecommercetemplates.com/ecommercetools.asp Those can be used as a starting point to get a different look.
it has been a while since this was set up. I don't remember if we have a premium design or not. My includes.php file says $usscsslayout = true.Does that mean I already have css to change the layout?
If you have an account you can check your past orders here https://www.ecommercetemplates.com/clientlogin.asp - that layout doesn't look like one of ours but I may be mistaken.
Hi Judy, if I recall past posts from you, I am quite sure Barry just did a layout using css for you. I think it was before ect released the various custom versions there. If you are looking for a fresh layout and not good with css, the ect layouts may be a good option for you.