Shipstation have a very clear way of identifying when a person orders more than one of an item. This is useful as it's easy to miss the quantity sometimes when picking.
I'm going to take another look at this during the week. I'm guessing this can be sorted in incorders with a bit of a tweak to the code and some css, maybe some js.
I can probably work this out myself but any suggestions for code to achieve this? I will need to highlight for quantities of 2 or more
Hi All In case it helps I've added a class to the columns that have a quantity greater than 1 and added it to the incorders.asp/php file in the v7.2 updater as here... Then you can add something to the file... vsadmin/ectadmincustom.css this maybe... div.ordmultiquantcol{ background-color:#FF0000; border:1px solid lightgrey; }