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15 Posts

Posted - 07/11/2019 :  08:25:26  
We have a few issues going on in our checkout:
• We have had several incidents where a customer receives the mixed on screen message following a successful transaction, saying:
"Sorry there seemed to be an error!
If you heed any help with your purchase, then please be sure to contact us.
The error report returned by the server was" 1 (1) This transaction has been approved."

This message, of course, causes customer concern and followup phone calls, etc.
• Also, we do not always receive an email when a successful transaction goes through (as we always have previously).
• In our admin panel, we are no longer getting an Authorization code in the Orders Administration page (in Auth Code column). It just says “Auth. Code: $(the amount)’.

Don’t know if it is relevant, but we recently (6/6/2019) updated to version Ecommerce Plus ASP v7.0.5. We had a few transaction that went as we normally expect after the update. We first started seeing this issue on 6/26/2019.

I spoke to our gateway and all looks good on their end. Any thoughts to what is going on?

Tim Winn

ECT Moderator

3958 Posts

Posted - 07/11/2019 :  08:30:41  
On quick read, it appears you may have a missing (or non escaped) quote in your language file.

Do you do changes in them?

First off you shouldn't - You should take the relevant ones you need changed and add them in your includes file and they will never be overwritten by updates.

If that is not it, I will let this thread go on.

Mike Beebe
DataLinks Software Solutions

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15 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2019 :  07:27:57  
Thanks for responding, Mike!
I do not/have not edit the Language file. I checked it, though and it appears to have appropriated open and close quotes.
Any other thoughts??

Tim Winn


42874 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2019 :  08:09:41  
Hi Tim
That does look a bit strange as the response code of "1" which you seem to be getting is for an authorized order. It's not the hash that is going wrong as that would be indicated. But this might be a way forward, the SIM integration you are using is now Deprecated and at some point are going to stop supporting it. In the version you are using, the new Accept Hosted integration method is already supported. Why not move to that and you will get a better checkout system which is more future proof? If that seems a good idea, go to the admin payment providers page for SIM and you will see "Integration Method" and select "Use Accept Hosted...". If you do use this new method you will need to create a signature key in your account. There are more details in the Accept Hosted section here...


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Starting Member

15 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2019 :  11:16:25  
Vince -
I did as you suggested, creating and installing the signature key. I ran a test transaction and after 30 second or so of processing, it displayed a page saying "There was a timeout waiting for confirmation from the payment server. Please contact our customer service email for details about the status of your order."
I visited Authorize and the transaction was approved - just didn't get the feedback to the customer (me, in this case). Also note on our Store's Admin page for these test transactions (under Auth code) it says 'no ipn'. I called Authorize and they say they thought it was on the store software side.
Any ideas?

Tim Winn


42874 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2019 :  13:11:33  
Hi Tim
I should have mentioned this but you also have to set up the webhook as here...
Can you look at the section "Authorize.Net Accept Hosted Integration" and make sure you have followed all the steps.


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Starting Member

15 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2019 :  16:43:57  
Thanks for your feedback.
I set up the Webhooks -- (by the way the instruction had ppconfirm.asp).
I carefully went over ALL responses in the ' Accept Hosted Integration' settings. I am convinced that these are correct.

But still, the transactions go through, but customer never gets to the 'thanks/success' page. First this appears: We are just waiting for confirmation of the status of your payment. Please be patient for just a few moments.
Then: There was a timeout waiting for confirmation from the payment server. Please contact our customer service email for details about the status of your order.
Any more suggestions??

Tim Winn

Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2019 :  20:31:20  
ppconfirm.asp is correct.

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42874 Posts

Posted - 07/13/2019 :  01:26:38  
Yes, it has to be ppconfirm.asp as the wpconfirm script is only for the SIM method.


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Starting Member

15 Posts

Posted - 07/13/2019 :  06:50:48  
That 'ppconfirm' worded. Sorry, I thought it was a typo. That worked!!!
Thanks, Mike & Vince for your patient support.

Tim Winn


42874 Posts

Posted - 07/13/2019 :  13:01:54  
Great to hear things are working now, Tim. And thanks for letting us know.


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Posted - 08/23/2019 :  13:15:47  
Order status is not emailing customers... no errors though. Do I have to put a line in includes.asp to make this work?

Also, when putting a tracking number in an order, does it email it to the customer? How do I automatically email the customer a tracking number... specifically with FedEx?

Glen Arterburn

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2019 :  13:52:44  
Hi, be sure to check your order status page and make sure you have "ticked" the ones where you want emails sent.
Setup order status emails here -
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