Posted - 08/17/2019 : 05:58:41
Hi Vince,
Thanks for the quick reply. While I used the www in the example statement of this post it is not used in the store settings Store URL nor is it used in the HTTPS Store URL. I also confirmed that the webhooks follows the same pattern. I've saved the source code of each page at each step of the purchase and will let you know if anything stands out.
As I dug more I find that I can manually paste the Auth Code into the VSAdmin but since we only "Authorize" on the initial transaction we were unable to "Capture" and the resulting Status Message reads: A valid referenced transaction ID is required. The transaction was unsuccessful.
When I check the order at there is an Transaction ID but in the Authorization Information section there is a line that reads "Reference Transaction ID: Not Applicable". The ECT order number is shown as the Invoice # at and it appears to be coming back to the site as ORDID.
Something is still not clicking. Probably some refresh that I cannot locate.
Thanks, Mike
Edited by - mafluet on 08/17/2019 06:35:22