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 Migration from SIM to Accepted Hosted
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35 Posts

Posted - 08/16/2019 :  18:49:07  
Recently we upgraded to 7.0.5 PHP. Today we updated the payment provider settings from SIM to Accepted Hosted following the steps on the Authorize.Net Accept Hosted Integration section of the help page. Now we are seeing customers successfully getting almost all the way through the ordering process but when they are returned to our site they are being directed to our Thanks.php page and are getting a message saying "There was a timeout waiting for confirmation from the payment server. Please contact our customer service email for details about the status of your order."

It appears that the order is successfully received and processed by but the Auth Code is not getting back to the VSAdmin pages. All we are seeing is "no ipn". We looked at the Account Settings section of the site and have the Webhooks setup as per the instructions. The only thing we can think of right now is that something set for when we used SIM now needs to be removed.

Also we want to verify that the webhooks endpoint is and not actually

Any thoughts????




42874 Posts

Posted - 08/17/2019 :  01:54:39  
Hi Mike
Yes, it is the ppconfirm.php page that you want.
I had a look at your site and it seems you have set the site to forward from the www. to the non-www. form of the URL. If you do that have to make sure that all the store URL's etc are on the non-www. form but also make sure when you set up the webhook that you use the non-www. form of the URL too. Otherwise what happens is that send the webhook but the data sent with it is lost when the URL is forwarded.
Can you see if that helps and let me know?


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Starting Member

35 Posts

Posted - 08/17/2019 :  05:58:41  
Hi Vince,

Thanks for the quick reply. While I used the www in the example statement of this post it is not used in the store settings Store URL nor is it used in the HTTPS Store URL. I also confirmed that the webhooks follows the same pattern. I've saved the source code of each page at each step of the purchase and will let you know if anything stands out.

As I dug more I find that I can manually paste the Auth Code into the VSAdmin but since we only "Authorize" on the initial transaction we were unable to "Capture" and the resulting Status Message reads: A valid referenced transaction ID is required.
The transaction was unsuccessful.

When I check the order at there is an Transaction ID but in the Authorization Information section there is a line that reads "Reference Transaction ID: Not Applicable". The ECT order number is shown as the Invoice # at and it appears to be coming back to the site as ORDID.

Something is still not clicking. Probably some refresh that I cannot locate.


Edited by - mafluet on 08/17/2019 06:35:22
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