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 Not getting a successful transac confirmation page
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Starting Member

15 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2019 :  07:36:11  
Hi -
I just changed my cc processor from one company to another - both of which are using

When I run a transaction through our store, it does indeed go through (is approved by and offers the customer an initial "Order Summary" page (at url: which displays a 'Continue' button. One this Continue button is hit, a message appears We are just waiting for confirmation of the status of your payment. Please be patient for just a few moments. ultimately it times out and gives the message: There was a timeout waiting for confirmation from the payment server. Please contact our customer service email for details about the status of your order.

This is, of course, confusing to the customer. I have been going through all the settings and I believe they are all set the same as the previous processor's were which worked successfully. Any idea what I may be doing wrong??


Tim Winn

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2019 :  10:31:35  
Hi Tim, they are most likely different check with the payment provider to confirm that the API Login ID is correct also its best to re-generate a new transaction key when changing payment providers. You would need to do that in the account I believe its under security features, make sure you disable the old key in the account prior to generating a new key.

I believe they are all set the same as the previous processor's

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Starting Member

15 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2019 :  10:42:19  
Thanks for the response, Sinbad.

I did apply new API Login ID, Transaction Key and MD5 Hash / Signature Key unique to the new account. And again, the transaction goes through successfully through, just ultimately don't get to the right 'thanks' page.

I will try getting new ones, to see if this helps.

Tim Winn

Starting Member

15 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2019 :  11:01:41  
No change

Tim Winn


42874 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2019 :  14:37:29  
Hi Tim
When you say both are using do you mean both are using simulation? If so, which one, that is AIM or SIM? On what URL is the customer stuck on? Is it the thanks.asp page or the page?


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Starting Member

15 Posts

Posted - 08/21/2019 :  06:38:53  
Vince -

Both the old and the new are using in live mode. (Only the new account is currently connected, of course). As far as your question - AIM or SIM? Authorize says that it is whatever the software calls for. They do not set that - from what I am told.

The customer is left with the 'thanks' page with the message: There was a timeout waiting for confirmation from the payment server. Please contact our customer service email for details about the status of your order.

FYI - I did apply new API Login ID, Transaction Key and MD5 Hash / Signature Key unique to the new account with no change. Again, the transaction goes through successfully, it just does not then deliver the customer to the thanks.asp page successfully - timing out:
When I run a transaction through our store, it does indeed go through (is approved by and offers the customer an initial "Order Summary" page (at url: which displays a 'Continue' button. One this Continue button is hit, a message appears We are just waiting for confirmation of the status of your payment. Please be patient for just a few moments. ultimately it times out and gives the message: There was a timeout waiting for confirmation from the payment server. Please contact our customer service email for details about the status of your order.

Thanks for your help!

Tim Winn

Starting Member

15 Posts

Posted - 08/21/2019 :  06:58:12  
I think I figured it out! I hadn't applied the Webhooks to the new Authorize acct.
Just ran a transaction and it went well, so hopefully this is solved. Thanks for you help, though - my bad.

Tim Winn


42874 Posts

Posted - 08/21/2019 :  09:24:32  
Hi Tim
I'm glad you've got that sorted and thanks for letting us know!


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